Ch2 The Crystal Disks: The Golden Delivery – Risen

This guide will help you complete a chain of quests leading you to one of the crystal disks during Risen’s Chapter 2. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map.

Chapter 2 The Crystal Disks: The Golden Delivery Quests Map

risen crystal disks the golden delivery map
  1. Inquisitor Mendoza
  2. Severin
  3. Henrik
  4. Gyrger’s lair

Chapter 2 The Crystal Disks: The Golden Delivery Quests


Another crystal disk is found in possession of an Ogre proclaimed to be the king of gnomes, Gyrger.

  • Where is the Golden Delivery?
  • Uprising of the Gnomes
  • The Stolen Crystal Disk
  • The Legend of the Gyrger

Where is the Golden Delivery?

Another quest initiated by Mendoza (#1) sends you to Severin in order to obtain one of the disks. Due to the amounts of artifacts they’ve dug out, there’s a high chance one of the disks is among them.

Severin (#2) on the other hand isn’t too happy to die at the hands of gnomes. The moment you speak to him, the farm will get attacked by a bunch of gnomes, which starts the quest Uprising of the Gnomes. After killing them, you’ll get 200 gold and 100 experience from Severin.

Once you mention the crystal disk, Severin will get upset, as he didn’t have enough people to defend it. The quest ends with 250 experience, starting a new one called The Stolen Crystal Disk.

Uprising of the Gnomes

While speaking to Severin about the situation on the farm (#2), he’ll say that the gnomes are becoming a major nuisance. At that moment a pack of 10 gnomes are going to attack.

Fend off the attackers and once they’re all down, you’ll receive 400 experience. With all the help from the farmers and recruits it shouldn’t be too difficult.

The Stolen Crystal Disk

Once Severin (#2) tells you that the crystal disk is stolen, you’ll have to recover it from the gnome king known as Gyrger. The Mythical creature is located at #4 in the depths of the dungeon. To reach that place, you’ll have to cross the tunnel and then the wooden rope bridge. You could also hire Henrik (#3) to help you out. This also starts the quest, The Legend of the Gyrger.

Enlist him to go with you and then continue over the bridge. Be prepared as there will be a lot of various tough creatures and even more gnomes to fight. On your right up the ramp there’s an ashbeast. That’s arguably the toughest creature in the game without counting in lizardmen. On the way to the Gyrger’s lair (#4), you’ll see a lot of black wolves as well.

Once you arrive at the ruins, search for a big gothic opening (with a sharp arc at the top) and not the stairway that goes underground (that’s for another quest, The Cursed Lords). Eventually, you’ll reach a room with a lot of pillars as you explore the dungeon. The Gyrger will be there. It’s a green-skined ogre and a king of gnomes.

Loot him for the disk to complete the quest and earn 400 experience. You may wish to explore the area bit more as there are a few useful items to be found (an open lock scroll for example on one of the shelves). Talk to Severin (#2) in the end to receive 150 experience and 500 gold pieces.

The Legend of the Gyrger

Talking to Henrik (#3) initiates this quest. He’ll talk about the myth behind the gnome leader, Gyrger. All the leads that he’s gathered point at the dungeon located on the otherside of the rope bridge.

Once you find the Gyrger (#4), you’ll get 1000 experience for slaying him and this quest is completed. Talk to Henrik and he’ll give you his horn bow, thirty arrows and 150 experience.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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