Ch4 The Titan Armour The Titan Boots – Risen

This guide will help you find the titan armour boots during Risen’s Chapter 4. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map.

Chapter 4 The Titan Boots Map

risen ch4 the titan boots map
  1. Patty
  2. Lizard priest
  3. Entrance to the waterfall temple
  4. Map column
  5. Opened door
  6. Winch
  7. Thin wall, switch
  8. Right barred door
  9. Winch
  10. Nautilus hole
  11. Lever
  12. Crack
  13. Left barred door
  14. Drawbridge
  15. Metal ring
  16. Winch
  17. Three-layered door
  18. Chest with the Titan boots
  19. Thin wall
  20. Chest with Ashbeast transformation scroll
  21. Lever, grate
  22. Exit

Chapter 4 The Titan Boots Walkthrough

The titan boots are located at the hidden western Temple behind a waterfall. During your adventure to there, you’ll also meet Patty, who’ll help you out (you’ll only find here there if you saved her in the second chapter).

To the Big Waterfall with Patty

You’ll meet Patty at #1. She’ll want to help you out for helping her earlier, but since she had no idea where to find you, she just waited where you had an adventure last time. She’ll also say that the west coast is filled with lizardmen and that they aren’t particularly happy.

As you make your way to #3, clear out all the Saurians on the way. At the encampment on the way (#2), you’ll meet a group of lizardmen with a high priest. Their level 3 lock chest doesn’t contain anything specific (112 coins, a bone and a golden candlestick).

When you reach the waterfall, Patty will leave the party and guard the entrance to make sure nothing comes behind your back. You’ll also receive 400 experience.

The Titan Boots

Enter the waterfall at #3. After clearing the initial ghouls, start climbing the rocks and you’ll reach an area where an ashbeast is (follow the purple glowing crystals). Kill it and continue through the passage on the right. The passage further right leads you back to the waterfall, while climbing up to the ruined floor (where the ghouls are) takes you into the hidden temple.

For navigation purposes, take the blue barrier as a point of reference. Near the pillar to the right on the opposite side, there’s a berserker sword (a nice two-handed sword that deals 80 damage). Explore the other corners of the room, though there’s not much to be found. Blow the magic barrier and continue further inside.

After passing the barrier, jump over the ruined stairset and then jump once more over the trap. The next room has two undead warriors, a trapdoor, a grate to the left and a door that periodically elevates at the other side. There are several things to do here, but the first one is to check out the area below trapdoor.

Once down there, you’ll see a fiery chasm on one side, a few undead warriors on the opposite side and a closed grate. Clear the undeads first and head that way. After two sarcophagi, continue to the room with four brontoks and read the map column there. This will grant you the region map of the place. You’re located at #4.

Go through the only open door at #5. To cross the spike trap, you’ll have to use levitation and to pick up the items on that floor, you can disable it with the lever on the other side. Your goal is to use the winch which rises one grate of the three-layered gate.

Next, go through the door at #7, by breaking it down with a pickaxe. The switch inside opens the door at #8 (push the switch twice; pushing it once opens the door at #13).

Anyway, head through the door at #8 and defeat any hostilities. Your goal is to reach the winch at #9 to reduce another layer of the grate gate. Just continue upstairs as you’ll return to the door on the left later. Use the winch and then return to the passage that you ignored earlier.

In the end, you’ll come to a crumbled area with a nautilus hole (#10) nearby. The best way to initiate the fight in the next room is to go behind the sarcophagus and return to human form in there. You’ll get some time so that you can kill the lizard priest without him two-shotting you. There’s a titan bow in the locked heavy chest and a few undead warriors in the next room. Pull the lever at (#11) to get back to the area where you were before crossing with nautilus.

Take a look through the crack at #12 and use a ranged weapon to pull the winch in the distance. This pulls down the drawbridge at #14 which will enable you to reach the third winch at #16. Cross the door at #13 by using the switch at #7 twice. The metal ring on the wall at #15 can be pulled to open a nearby grate. It contains minor loot.

The large gate at #17 is finally opened. The chest at the end of the room at #18 contains the Titan boots and for crossbow users, a titan crossbow. You’ll get 1000 experience upon looting. Exit through #19 with a pickaxe.

The rest of the temple is just a way out. If you wish to explore the chest and the room where the grate is closed at #20, you’ll have to go through the door at #21 by using a lever nearby. To reach it, you’ll need to disable traps with levers. The periodically dropping wall can be just ran through. Once there, jump in the direction of that platform.

As far as getting out goes, continue on the way back (you’ll notice that the room you’re in at #21 is the room from the beginning). Head to #22 and from there it should be easy to get back to the surface. Have a nice talk with Patty outside and you’ll earn 200 experience.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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