Ch4 The Titan Armour The Titan Hammer – Risen

This guide will help you find the titan hammer during Risen’s Chapter 4. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map.

Chapter 4 The Titan Hammer Map

risen ch4 the titan hammer map
  1. Don Esteban’s temple

Chapter 4 The Titan Hammer Walkthrough

The titan hammer is located at the Don’s Temple, in the unexplored parts of it. You can talk to Fincher and Cormac (#1) to find out a bit more about the place. Cormac will give you a Magic Protection scroll, while Fincher will tell you that the way’s blocked with a blue barrier. This area is uncharted, but navigation shouldn’t be too hard with all the passages and paths explained.

The Titan Hammer

After speaking to Cormac and Fincher (#1) head into the back parts of the temple by climbing a nearby wall. It’s the one located near the campfire and a girl that dances around, past the smoking pipe. Follow the only path available and then break down the blue barrier that blocks further passage.

Your main opponents in this section will be undead warriors and skeletons, lots of them. The door directly opposite of the way you entered is blocked with two altars next to it. There are two passages which can be climbed on the right and left.

Take the right one first, with the pillars. You’ll have to jump onto the large stone block nearby and then levitate to reach the upper area. After defeating two skeletons, you’ll see two doors that can be destroyed with a pickaxe and one that’s completely sealed. Inside the left one you’ll find a skeleton.

The middle door contains the switch that opens the otherwise impenetrable door to the right. You’ll find five sarcophagi in the room. Loot them all to find a nice Titan axe (120 damage). There will also be skeleton warriors spawning from three of the sarcophagi. You should also have found a lizard mage bust, which is needed for one of the two altars in the first room.

Get back to that first room and climb the other place, on the left. After combating two skeletons, loot the amulet and a stone plate from one of the stone tables. Then break down the two doors (on the left and right) with your pickaxe. The middle door is opened by a switch found behind the left door.

In the room you’ve just entered, you’ll see a spike trap floor with 12 (3×4) tiles. If you don’t want to use levitation to cross it (which is just easy way), you can walk over the traps as indicated in the diagram. Once the spikes are down on the first one (A) walk over to the next tile and wait until the spikes on that one are down and so on. It isn’t hard, and in any case, levitation solves the problem anyway. You’ll fight a skeleton and the end (he comes out of the sarcophagus and loot him for a lizard mage bust. There’s also a lever that disable the whole trap altogether.

Now return to the initial room and place the busts on the altar. You’ll see two undead beasts and a shadow lord. Defeat the beasts by drawing them to the previous room. The shadow lord is invincible. You’ll need to kill him by making him run over the fire trap that’s in the middle of the room. You can activate it by pressing any of the three switches. Beware, he hits hard. The best way to do this is to activate a fire trap and then use levitation rune and fly up as high as possible above the fire. He’ll follow you and die.

Loot him to receive a titan hammer. This completes the quest with 1000 experience. You can talk to Cormac and Fincher about it. This nets you additional 300 experience and a conjure skeleton scroll from Cormac.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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