In Transit – Shadowrun: Dragonfall

This guide will help you complete the In Transit mission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall.

In Transit Map

shadowrun dragonfall in transit map
  1. Fuse
  2. First Aid Box
  3. Fuse Box
  4. Bridge
  5. Stuck Door
  6. Breaker Box

In Transit Walkthrough


Your subway car is empty on the return trip to the Kreuzbasar. This stretch of the sprawling U-Bahn tunnel system doesn’t see much use, it seems. At least not at this hour.

As the train rattles on, you find yourself lost in thought. Old memories creep, unbidden, to the forefront of your mind. Memories of Monika in the old days, and the crew that you used to run with. Memories of success and failure, of wealth and poverty, of good times and bad.

Halfway back to the Kreuzbasar, you are jolted out of your reverie by a buzzing sound. Your commlink. You’re receiving a call.

— Mission Conclusion —

The rest of the trip home is uneventful, but one thing is clear: someone is hunting you. This ambush was no chance gang warfare, but an organized attempt on your life. If Green Winters was right, then whoever killed him is now after you.

The PDA that you retrieved from your attackers may hold some answers. It’s time to return to your safehouse and consult Paul Amsel.

Karma Points

  • None


You’ll start this sub-mission while you’re on your way home from False Flag or Loose Ends, whichever one you completed last. During the trip, you’ll get a call from Paul Amsel. He’ll tell you that he’s set up a meeting for you with Frau Muller, who would like to hire you for a job. He’ll also allow you to choose the meeting site — which won’t make any difference — but before he can finish the call, you’ll lose connection, and the train will come to a stop.

You’ll find yourself aboard the train (Exit A) at an abandoned U-Bahn platform. To get moving again, you’ll have to restore power to the platform. To that end, you should pick up the Fuse from the ground (#1) and insert it into the nearby fuse box (#3). If you place the fuse under “track” and then swap the two fuses in the box, then you’ll restore power to the tracks. This will allow you to lower the bridge (#4).

Past the bridge, you’ll find a breaker box (#6). When you reset it, you’ll restore power to the entire platform, but at the same time, three mercenaries will ambush you. One of them will drop an Encrypted PDA when he dies. Then in the next room, you’ll encounter three more mercenaries. After defeating them, you’ll just need to cross back over to the southern side of the platform, raise the bridge, and then re-enter the train car (Exit A).

Back in the Kreuzbasar, when you show the Encrypted PDA to Paul Amsel, he’ll manage to extract one file from it before its security countermeasures kick in. The file will give you the name of the scarred ork from The Harfeld Manor Run: Audran. The file will also give you some clues about the ork, most notably that he probably belongs to a cult worshipping Feuerschwinge, which means you probably won’t be able to reason with him.

Mission Overview

1 – Fuse

2 – First Aid Box

Inside the box here, you’ll find an Advanced Medkit.

3 – Fuse Box

4 – Bridge

5 – Stuck Door

To open this door, you’ll need Strength 6. If you don’t have enough, then you can use your “muscle” (that is, Eiger) to get the job done. In the room beyond, you’ll find an Ares High Explosive Grenade.

6 – Breaker Box


  1. U-Bahn train car.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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