Lockdown – Shadowrun: Dragonfall

This guide will help you complete the Lockdown mission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall.

Lockdown Map

shadowrun dragonfall lockdown map
  1. Discarded Tires / Vent
  2. Firewalls
  3. Sutterlin Front Door Node
  4. Observation Terminal
  5. Scientific Terminal
  6. Locked Door
  7. Executive Wing
  8. Locked Door
  9. Automated Drones
  10. Money
  11. Philip / OrgChem Wing
  12. Surveillance Terminal
  13. Locked Safe
  14. Billy’s Lair
  15. Philip / Vending Machine
  16. Bioware

Lockdown Walkthrough


The ride to the Adenauerplatz is a dismal one. Your only company on the train is an elderly dwarf in a ragged peacoat, and he spends most of his time muttering to himself. When the train rattles to a stop, he slowly rises from his perch and begins to hobble toward the doorway.

The station itself isn’t much different: an old, broken-down thing at the end of its useful life, feebly tottering toward obsolescence. This area of Berlin has clearly seen better days.

A window of light shines down from the surface, and even that looks stale. Slowly, you begin to climb.

— Mission Conclusion —

The U-Bahn trip back from the Adenauerplatz is a shaky one. Surprisingly, the train is packed — the only empty seats are at the very back of the car.

A haggard-looking young mother marches down the aisle, dragging her three screaming children behind her. Two boys and a girl, each around six years old. As the woman nears you, her eyes fix on the frozen pouches of bio-engineered meat that you liberated from Sutterlin’s executive freezer.

She opens her mouth to say something, but at that moment, the little girl jams a finger into her brother’s nose. The boy howls, and the young mother’s shoulders slump. Slowly, robotically, she turns back toward her destination and begins to trundle forward, dragging her squalling offspring forward with the solemnity of a funeral procession.

Eventually, the train hums to a stop. You debark gratefully, lugging a freezer’s worth of bioware samples behind you.

Karma Points

  • [1]  Download the final episode of “Knight-Kings of Lightninghold” for Philip (#15).
  • [2]  Complete the mission.


After completing at least three missions (including The Sewers), you’ll receive a message from Dr. Ezkibel on the Mission Computer in your safehouse. When you head over to the cyberclinic to talk to him, you’ll learn that years ago he funded the Sutterlin BioScience facility in the Adenauerplatz district, only one night it went into lockdown mode, and nobody has gone in or out since. So he’ll ask you to investigate the facility, find out what happened to the researchers there, and retrieve whatever bioware you can find.

You’ll start the mission next to a U-Bahn platform (Exit A). The first thing you’ll need to do is get inside the building. You’ll have three options for this:

  • With Strength 6, you can force open the door (Exit B). All of the other door-forcing options won’t work, even if you use a companion who has Strength 6.
  • If you push away the discarded tires next to the door (#1), then you’ll discover a vent. If you have a drone, or if you’re playing a dwarf, then you’ll be able to enter the vent, where you’ll find a maintenance panel. Interacting with the panel will short-circuit the door, causing it to open.
  • On the western side of the building, you’ll find a jack-in point (Exit C). If you send in a decker, then you’ll arrive in a small area of the matrix. You’ll have to do some fighting, but fairly quickly you’ll come to the Sutterlin Front Door Node (#3). Hacking the node will open the door and also lower the nearby firewalls (#2), giving you a quicker route to the exit.

When you enter the Sutterlin facility (via Exit B), you won’t see anybody around, but you will find a pair of terminals that will let you know that the researchers were performing experiments on hellhounds and an albino basilisk (at #4 and #5). Eventually, you’ll come to a room where three Automated Drones will attack you (#9). The drones shouldn’t be too tough to defeat. Just watch out for the one (on the ground) with the grenade launcher.

Past the drones (near #11), you’ll finally meet a survivor — the slightly crazy Philip Rex, who will be mad at you for killing the “peasantry.” If you attack Philip, then you’ll have to fight him plus two more drones, including another grenade launcher, and Philip will drop a Clearance B Keycard when he dies. This keycard will get you into two more rooms (#6, #14), but eliminating Philip will cost you a potential karma point.

So instead, you should talk to Philip. If you’re polite to him, then he’ll tell you about the facility, including that in order to enter the Executive Wing (where the bioware is located), you’ll need to defeat Billy (the albino basilisk) in the “underworld” (Sewer). Philip will then give you his Clearance B Keycard so you can face Billy.

Before heading to the Sewer, you should visit the Surveillance Terminal behind Philip (#12). If you watch the videos stored there, then you’ll learn more about Philip and his now-dead co-worker Heiner, plus see some snippets of the “Knight-Kings of Lightninghold” TV series, which is the fuel for Philip’s delusions. Learning about the TV series will give you a chance at a karma point later.

To face Billy, you’ll need to descend into the Sewer (via Exit D or E) and head over to Billy’s Lair (#14). The Clearance B Keycard will get you in. Inside the lair, you’ll encounter Billy (with 110 HP) and two Hellhounds (with 60 HP each). Then two rounds into the fight, another Hellhound will attack you from behind.

This can be a tough fight. Billy’s gaze will knock characters out of combat for two rounds, and the Hellhounds’ fire attacks will burn over time. We’d recommend taking out the Hellhounds first since they’re easier to kill, and then ganging up on Billy at the end. When Billy dies, he’ll drop an Executive Keycard.

When you open up the Executive Wing (#7) using the Executive Keycard, Philip will rush by you and head straight for a vending machine (#15) — to grab some choco nubs, no doubt. When you talk to Philip there, you’ll be able to inform him that “Knight-Kings of Lightninghold” had one more episode than he’s seen. He’ll of course ask you to find it for him.

You’ll only be able to disengage the quarantine and find the final episode if you have Decking 4. For that case, you’ll just need to visit one of the facility’s terminals (#4, #5, or #12). When you tell Philip that you’ve downloaded the episode for him, he’ll rush off to the Surveillance Terminal (#12) to watch it, and you’ll gain a karma point.

To finish the mission, you’ll just need to grab the Experimental Bioware Samples (#16) and exit the facility (via Exit B). However, when you get outside, you’ll be stopped by a Shiawase security force. They’ll demand that you hand over the bioware samples. You’ll only be able to decline their request, which will start a fight.

You’ll have to deal with six enemies, including a conjurer and a mage. But if you downloaded the final episode of “Knight-Kings of Lightninghold” for Philip, then he’ll send four drones out to help you, evening up the odds. Plus he’ll play some inspiration music for you over the loudspeakers. The battle shouldn’t be too bad, even if you’re by yourself. Take down the spellcasters first, and then mop up the rest. When the battle is over, you’ll just need to visit the U-Bahn platform (Exit A) to return to the Kreuzbasar.

When you reach the Kreuzbasar, you’ll receive 2 karma points for completing the mission. Then when you hand over the Experimental Bioware Samples to Dr. Ezkibel in the cyberclinic, he’ll use them to update his wares. If you give him the Schematic: Auto-Injector (Bliss) (from #13), then he’ll also add Auto-Injector (Bliss) to his wares. But you won’t earn any money for your work.

Mission Overview

1 – Discarded Tires / Vent

2 – Firewalls

3 – Sutterlin Front Door Node

4 – Observation Terminal

From this terminal, you’ll learn that the researchers in the facility were working with hellhounds and a special albino basilisk.

5 – Scientific Terminal

This terminal will list some of the bioware the facility had in stock at the time of the lockdown, including “high-end, security-level enhancements.” It’ll also mention a test subject named Billy.

6 – Locked Door

This door will start out locked. To open it, you’ll need the Clearance B Keycard from Philip (#11). Inside the room beyond, you’ll find an Advanced Medkit and another ladder down to the Sewer (Exit F).

7 – Executive Wing

The door to this wing will start out locked. To open it, you’ll need the Executive Keycard from Billy (#14).

8 – Locked Door

This door will start out locked. To open it, you’ll either need to use Decking 5, or you’ll need to work your way behind it (via Exits D and E) so you can use the Door Override Terminal on the other side.

9 – Automated Drones

10 – Money

In these two places, you’ll find 40-75 nuyen (the amounts are random).

11 – Philip / OrgChem Wing

12 – Surveillance Terminal

13 – Locked Safe

You’ll need the Clearance B Keycard (from #11) to open this safe. Inside, you’ll find Schematic: Auto-Injector (Bliss). If you take the schematic to Dr. Ezkibel in the Kreuzbasar, then he’ll begin selling Auto-Injector (Bliss).

14 – Billy’s Lair

15 – Philip / Vending Machine

16 – Bioware


  1. U-Bahn platform.
  2. Facility entrance.
  3. Matrix jack-in point.
  4. Ladder.
  5. Ladder.
  6. Ladder.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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