One Year Later – Shadowrun: Dragonfall

This guide will help you complete the One Year Later mission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall.

One Year Later Map

shadowrun dragonfall one year later map
  1. Starting Point
  2. Entrance Terminal
  3. Vauclair
  4. Research Terminals
  5. Audran

One Year Later Walkthrough


Your old van rattles over the uneven terrain as you make your way back to Harfeld Manor. Vauclair’s message to you was as short as it was cryptic: “UPGENT! Come back to the lab. Your assistance is needed.”

In the year since Vauclair released his Panacea, the world has gone through a lot of changes. The balance of power has shifted from one megacorp to another; market shares have risen and fallen. A worldwide effort to find a cure for the “Wyrm Flu” continues.

The dragons are dead.

Vauclair’s work was a rousing success. But over the past few months, strange things have been happening. Unexplained magical phenomena. The emergence of strange new creatures. Disasters, both natural and man-made.

Your van rolls to a halt. If anyone can explain what’s happening to the world, Vauclair can. It’s time to go and find him.

Karma Points

  • None


Note: You’ll only trigger this mission if you side with Vauclair during the mission Panacea.

You’ll start out back in Vauclair’s test lab (#1), one year after the events in Panacea. The only thing you’ll be able to do is head over to a nearby terminal (#2). When you examine it, you’ll see a summary about what’s happened during the last year, including the dying out of the dragons, and you’ll also be able to unlock the lab doors, which will allow you to talk to Vauclair.

Vauclair (#3) won’t be celebrating his victory. He’ll tell you that the world is still in trouble, and that many terrible things are going on. He’ll then unlock three terminals and ask you to read them. The terminals (#4) will paint a less rosy picture of recent events. They’ll describe everything from mana rifts to increased violence to crazy new predators being discovered.

When you return to Vauclair, he’ll eventually figure out that bad things are happening because dragons aren’t there to prevent them — which means his actions have doomed the world. Vauclair will then pull a gun out of his desk and kill himself. When you examine Vauclair’s terminal, you’ll be able to use it to open the door to the main lab, which is where you’ll find Audran.

Audran (#5) will be in a much better mood than Vauclair. In fact, he’ll be celebrating, and he’ll offer you a drink. If you still have the booze from the mission MKVI, then you’ll be able to drink that instead. At the end of your conversation, Audran will offer you his pistol. If you take it, then you’ll presumably follow Vauclair’s example, but the game will fade to black before anything happens. If you refuse the gun, then you’ll share a drink with Audran after all, and the game will end that way instead. But either way, you’ll get a bad ending.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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