Heoi – Shadowrun: Hong Kong

This guide will help you navigate the Heoi location in Shadowrun: Hong Kong.

Heoi Map

shadowrun hong kong heoi map

Heoi Overview


Heoi. A shifting amalgamation of old boats, tar-stained docks, and repurposed warehouses, all lashed and bolted together into a unified whole. It’s the last bastion of civilization before descending into the hellish tenement of Kowloon Walled City, and the closest thing that you have to a home.

Its neon lights and strobing holosigns are a welcome sight.

Karma Points

  • [1]  Learn about Karen from Ten-Armed Ambrose (#1).
  • [1]  Make a delivery to Reliable Matthew (#7).


You should explore Heoi carefully in between missions and talk to the people you meet. Your companions will tell you about themselves, which will eventually lead to extra missions. Kindly Cheng will give you updates on her research, during which you’ll learn more about Raymond Black, the Plastic-Faced Man, and Josephine Tsang, the Executive Council member who wants you dead. Regular people and shopkeepers will tell you about their “toothy hunting horror” dreams, and if you sleep on the Safeboat (Exit C), then you’ll have dreams of your own.

You can also find some items in Heoi, like a DocWagon Gold Trauma Kit near Chrome Alley (#1) after your second shadowrunner mission, and the shopkeepers will update their wares twice during Act 2.

1 – Chrome Alley

Inside this shop, you’ll meet Ten-Armed Ambrose. He’ll hook you up with cyberware and medical supplies. If you listen to his stories and learn what happened to a former shadowrunning teammate is his named Karen, then you’ll earn a point of karma.

2 – Club 88

Club 88 is run by the Ka Fai troll family. Inside, Callum Ka Fai will sell you drugs, and Ermine Ka Fai will sell you weapons. You can also meet some of the hirable shadowrunners inside the club, and share drinks and stories with them.

3 – Stephen Dynamite

During Act 2, the bomb-maker Stephen Dynamite will appear here. He’ll tell you that his drug dealer Handsome Lee poisoned him, and he’ll ask you to get a refund for his most recent purchase. If you want, you can demand that Dynamite pay you for your help — and then double your fee — to receive 75 or 150 nuyen.

When you talk to Handsome Lee (#6), he won’t care much about Dynamite, and he won’t give you a refund, but he will give you a free sample of Bliss to keep Dynamite addicted. When you return to Dynamite, you’ll basically have two choices. You can encourage him to get off drugs (and perhaps keep the Bliss for yourself), or you can convince him to take revenge on the corporation that used his bombs to kill civilians. Nothing will happen either way. The story arc will end here.

Note: Later in the game on the Shadowland BBS, you’ll see a news story about a corporation’s secret lab blowing up, but this seems to be unrelated, as the corporation from the news story is Shiawase, and the corporation Dynamite had an issue with is Sichuan. Either that or somebody got their corporations mixed up when writing the dialogue.

4 – Law’s Techno Palace

You’ll meet Maximum Law here. He’ll sell you decking supplies. He’ll also pay you for “metadata” about your missions, and he’ll buy the Simsense Chip from City of Darkness.

After selling two sets of metadata to Maximum Law (not including telling him what happened during Outsider), you’ll receive a message on the mission computer entitled “Urgent Problem.” In it, Strangler Bao will request your presence in the mahjong parlor (#5). When you talk to him there, he’ll inform you that Law has been chatting about you and your missions in the Matrix, causing unwanted attention, and he’ll order you to deal with it. You’ll have three options for this: you can kill Law, you can scare him into being quiet, or you can convince him to leave town. Ignoring the problem or selling any more metadata to Law will cause Bao to get rid of him. If Law disappears, then a Whampoan Puppet will replace him, and it’ll function just like Law except it won’t pay for metadata.

Note: To make as much money as possible from metadata, you can just save it up until the end of the campaign, and then sell it all at once to Law.

Just before the final mission, Ten-Armed Ambrose in Chrome Alley (#1) will ask you to make sure that Law is armed, and he’ll even supply you with an SMG called Raquel the Uzi. Arming Law or not won’t change anything other than his dialogue.

5 – Swift Winds Mahjong Parlor

This is where you’ll meet with Kindly Cheng. You’ll need to talk to her several times during the campaign.

6 – Handsome Lee

Briefly during Act 2, you’ll meet a “purveyor of enhanced sensory experiences” named Handsome Lee here. He’ll sell you drugs, just like Callum Ka Fai in Club 88 (#2). Lee is involved in Stephen Dynamite’s (#3) story, and he’ll disappear when Dynamite does.

7 – Reliable Matthew’s Robot Bazaar

Reliable Matthew will sell you rigging supplies.

As you talk to Matthew between missions, you’ll discover that he’s not particularly liked by anybody, including his supplier. Then at some point during Act 2, Matthew will seem down in the dumps, and he’ll ask you to pick up his medicine from Ten-Armed Ambrose in Chrome Alley (#1). This “medicine” is actually a Chip Cylinder containing pharmacy-grade BLTs. When you return to Matthew with the cylinder, you’ll be able to charge him up to 127 nuyen for making the delivery. You won’t be able to dissuade Matthew from using the chips, but the next time you talk to him (after completing another mission) you’ll gain a point of karma.

8 – Gin, Lau and Shyu

At this spot, you’ll meet a trio of Go players named Gin, Lau and Shyu. They’ll tell you about some of the strange dreams they’ve been having, but nothing will come of it.

9 – Parlor of Five Phases

Inside this shop, you’ll meet Crafty Xu. She’ll sell you fetishes and spells. She’ll also tell you about her mother, who was obsessed with the Walled City, and who kept notes about it. You should encourage Crafty to study those notes. This will eventually lead to Crafty discovering that evil spirits known as the Yama Kings are being drawn to the Walled City, and that it’s their influence that is causing all of the bad dreams in the area.

At some point during Act 2, you’ll meet Aljernon Half-Dream in the shop. He’s not involved in anything, but you might remember him from the earlier Shadowrun games.

10 – Spider Shen

Spider Shen will sell you physical adept items, including weapons and spells.


  1. MTR station.
  2. Captain Jomo. There are two missions — The Sinking Ship and Whistleblower — where you’ll need to sail to your destination rather than take the MTR, and Captain Jomo will get you there.
  3. Safeboat.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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