The Benteng – Shadowrun: Hong Kong

This guide will help you complete The Benteng mission in the Shadows of Hong Kong bonus campaign for Shadowrun: Hong Kong.

The Benteng Map

shadowrun hong kong the benteng map
  1. Captain Utama
  2. Andrei Lukianov
  3. Chastity Blackwell
  4. Gherik
  5. Constable Hui
  6. Command Trailer
  7. Sergeant Leung
  8. Teugh
  9. Triple Alpha
  10. Quartermaster Lee

The Benteng Walkthrough


You’ll trigger this mission after completing The Tigers’ Den, when it becomes clear that you need a safer base of operations than the Impound Lot. Soon after arriving, you’ll get summoned to meet with Captain Utama. You won’t be able to talk to anybody else yet, so you might as well descend to the Lower Deck (via Exit A) and talk to her. Your companions will wait for you on the Safeboat, which apparently is easier to tow than it looks.

When you speak with Utama (#1), she’ll inform you that she’s only allowing you onto her ship because Senior Inspector Qiu paid for you passage, and she’ll order you to “mind your manners” lest she decide to toss you overboard. After completing the conversation, you’ll be able to explore the ship and talk to everybody. You’ll discover that all of the important people from the Impound Lot got transported over, including Hui (#5), Jomo (Exit C), Leung (#7), and Quartermaster Lee (#10). The main difference is that instead of using a medical trailer, you’ll have to talk to Andrei Lukianov (#2) to buy cyberware and medical supplies. All of the shopkeepers will have the same wares as before.

When you’re ready to continue, you’ll need to meet with Qiu inside her command trailer (#6). The two of you will look over Lam’s PDA, which you gained during The Tigers’ Den. You’ll learn that Krait’s employer wants to make a “big change” to the HKPF, and that they’re up to something in Tai Po. If you search for “Krait” or “Tai Po” in Lam’s junk mail directory, then you’ll discover that the mystery employer is Ares Macrotechnology.

Next up, you’ll need to head to the Safeboat (Exit B) and talk to your team. Nobody will be thrilled to hear that your opponent is Ares, and they’ll be even less enthusiastic when they learn that most of your reward money went into paying for your passage aboard the Benteng. But Qiu will promise that if nothing else, she’ll get yours and Duncan’s SINs restored, which will allow you to go home to Seattle after dealing with Krait.

Completing the conversation with your companions will unlock the mission Tai Po. Just be aware that going on this mission will end the campaign. So if you need to do any shopping, or if you have any side missions remaining, then you should take care of them before departing. When you’re ready to go, just talk to Captain Jomo (Exit C) and ask him to take you to your destination.

Mission Overview

1 – Captain Utama

2 – Andrei Lukianov

Andrei will sell you medical supplies and cyberware.

3 – Chastity Blackwell

Chastity is the unofficial cook on the ship. She’ll give you some background information about pirates and the pirate fleet.

4 – Gherik

You’ll meet a friendly ork named Gherik here. He’ll tell you how he became a “wandering swordsman.”

5 – Constable Hui

6 – Command Trailer

This is where you’ll find Special Inspector Qiu.

7 – Sergeant Leung

8 – Teugh

You’ll meet an elf pirate named Teugh here. He’ll tell you about being the ship’s explosives expert.

9 – Triple Alpha

You’ll meet a vacationing shadowrunner named Triple Alpha here. She’ll be looking forward to sitting on a beach somewhere.

10 – Quartermaster Lee

Lee will have armor, drones, weapons, and spells for sale. After completing the mission Namazu, he’ll also let you buy from his special stock.


  1. Hatch.
  2. Safeboat.
  3. Captain Jomo.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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