The Impound Lot – Shadowrun: Hong Kong

This guide will help you complete The Impound Lot mission in the Shadows of Hong Kong bonus campaign for Shadowrun: Hong Kong.

The Impound Lot Map

shadowrun hong kong the impound lot map
  1. Cage
  2. Constable Hui
  3. Command Trailer
  4. Sergeant Maria Leung
  5. Medical Trailer
  6. Levic Stolls
  7. Quartermaster Lee

The Impound Lot Walkthrough


After telling Mr. Yang about your mission to Combat Pang’s, he’ll claim that he “saved” you at the end of it, and he’ll show you a video of civilians in Kowloon City getting gunned down by the Special Duties Unit (SDU), on the express order of Chief Inspector Krait — with the implication being that that would have been your fate, too, if the HKPF hadn’t gassed you and pulled you out.

Yang will then release you from the interrogation room, but when you leave, you’ll find yourself in a cage in an Impound Lot (#1), which won’t exactly be an improvement. All of your companions will be in there with you, and you’ll discover that even your Safeboat was towed to the lot.

“They didn’t just arrest us; they arrested our damned boat.” — Gobbet

Soon enough, a Sergeant Maria Leung (#4) will free you — and you alone — from the cage, and she’ll direct you to meet with Senior Inspectors Lam and Qiu in the command trailer (#3). You’re not required to head right there, but you won’t find anything else to do in the Impound Lot yet, so you might as well.

Inside the command trailer, Lam (good cop) and Qiu (bad cop) will inform you that they’re in charge of a special task force investigating Chief Inspector Krait, who is suspected of selling her services — and the services of the SDU — to the highest bidder. They’ll also let you know that they’re the ones who removed the APB out on you.

When the inspectors ask you to help them out, you’ll demand to run the idea by Kindly Cheng and your team first. You’ll find your companions on board the Safeboat (Exit A). When you talk to them, you’ll automatically include Cheng via PDA, and everybody will decide that working with the task force is the right move. Plus, Cheng will want you to spy on the HKPF and get the Jade Cong back.

Before returning to the inspectors, you might want to explore the Safeboat. You’ll find new messages and BBS threads on the mission computer, and later you’ll be able to pick up optional missions from it. Meanwhile, your companions will have new dialogue, but their conversations in this campaign won’t lead to extra missions like they did in the main campaign. Finally, you’ll also discover that the noodle extruder from DeckCon 2056 somehow appeared in Gobbet’s room while you were at Combat Pang’s.

Back in the command trailer, when you tell the inspectors that you’ll work with them, they’ll reveal your first assignment — to infiltrate the SDU headquarters — called the Tigers’ Den — and look for evidence of Krait’s criminal activity. To get to the den, you’ll just need to talk to your old friend Captain Jomo, whom you’ll find standing next to his yellow speedboat, the Drunken Mistake (Exit B).

But you’re not required to complete Lam and Qiu’s mission next. After leaving the command trailer, you’ll find new people to talk to in the Impound Lot, including shopkeepers, and you’ll be able to pick up side missions from two of them (Quartermaster Lee at #7 and Captain Jomo at Exit B). You can complete these missions in any order.

Mission Overview

1 – Cage

2 – Constable Hui

3 – Command Trailer

4 – Sergeant Maria Leung

This is where Sergeant Leung will go after she frees you from your cage (#1).

5 – Medical Trailer

Inside this trailer, you’ll find a cyberware machine (for installing cyberware) and a medical kiosk (for buying medical supplies).

6 – Levic Stolls

You’ll meet the decker Levic Stolls here. Other than introducing you to a fruit called durian, his dialogue won’t lead to anything.

7 – Quartermaster Lee

Quartermaster Lee will sell you armor, weapons, drones, and spells. He’ll also give you the mission Namazu. After completing the mission, Lee will expand his wares to include some new, military grade weapons.


  1. Safeboat.
  2. Captain Jomo. He’ll take you to most of your missions, and he’ll sell you decking supplies, drugs, and melee weapons. He’ll also give you the mission Detention, and if you buy the Rat Party simsense chip from him, then it’ll help you during that mission.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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