Uninvited Guests – Shadowrun: Hong Kong

This guide will help you complete the Uninvited Guests mission in Shadowrun: Hong Kong.

Uninvited Guests Map

shadowrun hong kong uninvited guests map 2
  1. Starting Point
  2. Waitress
  3. Bar
  4. Order Computer
  5. David
  6. Henry
  7. Chef Yan-Lung Tso
  8. Locked Door
  9. Private Room
  10. Rooster’s Room
  11. Locked Service Corridor
  12. Triad Thugs
  13. Docking Bay Door
  14. Matrix Junction
  15. Schooner

Uninvited Guests Walkthrough


A tangle of marine decorum, restless lights, and ambrosial scents mingle atop a floating quay to accent the Shangri-La — Aberdeen Harbour’s premier dining location. With competitive views of the surrounding bay, the restaurant attracts a steady crowd of tourists and Wuxing personnel.

The primary moneyman for the 289s, Cheung-Sing “Rooster” Lo, is enjoying a rare meal outside of triad-held territory. Intel says he’s set up in one of the restaurant’s private dining rooms — but he’s not alone. Rooster keeps a personal bodyguard, a notorious ork called “the Talon,” in addition to his regular security detail. You’ve seen photos of the Talon’s handiwork… bodies so battered it’s hard to tell where one bruise ends and the next begins.

Your mission: locate Rooster, extract him from the Shangri-La, and deliver him to your client alive. Simple, fast, low profile. Of course, even the simplest of runs can go sideways….

— Mission Complete (Poisoned the Talon, Left Him Alive) —

The boat heaves and pitches over the bay as your driver plows through the choppy waves to the drop-off point, leaving the Shangri-La restaurant far behind. Inside, restlessness fills the cabin. You’ve finished the job. The extraction was a success. And now your client awaits his prize: the triad red pole, Rooster.

It wasn’t easy. It should have been — it *would* have been — if that damned Talon hadn’t mangled your plans with his visceral determination. But a little anaphylactic shock, and even a streets-forged ork like the Talon could be incapacitated.

With the Talon out of the way, your escape from the restaurant to the getaway boat was made smoother. Well, as smooth as wading through a small army of triads and skirting the HKPF dragnet could be. Luckily, Rooster got through the pursuit unharmed — a bonus, according to your client. Sounds like it might even earn you a few extra nuyen. Time to get paid.

— Mission Complete (Killed the Talon) —

The boat heaves and pitches over the bay as your driver plows through the choppy waves to the drop-off point, leaving the Shangri-La restaurant far behind. Inside, restlessness fills the cabin. You’ve finished the job. The extraction was a success. And now your client awaits his prize: the triad red pole, Rooster.

It wasn’t easy. It should have been — it *would* have been — if that damned Talon hadn’t mangled your plans with his visceral determination. But even a streets-forged ork like the Talon could be stricken down.

With the Talon dead, your escape from the restaurant to the getaway boat was made smoother. Well, as smooth as wading through a small army of triads and skirting the HKPF dragnet could be. Luckily, Rooster got through the pursuit unharmed. And with the Talon now permanently out of commission, you might earn a few extra nuyen from your client. All in all, a good run.

Karma Points

  • [2]  Kill the Talon.
  • [8]  Return to Heoi.


After completing two shadowrunner missions, you’ll receive a message on the mission computer entitled “Restaurant Job.” In it, Kindly Cheng will ask you to kidnap a Red Pole named Cheung-Sing “Rooster” Lo from the Shangri-La Restaurant in Aberdeen. She’ll emphasize that Lo should be kept healthy and alive, but she won’t care if you kill his henchmen, including his bodyguard, who is known as the Talon. To get started, you’ll need to accept the mission and then take the MTR to the restaurant. It won’t make too much of a difference whom you bring with you, although a decker will allow you to grab some paydata from the Matrix.

You’ll begin the mission in the lobby of the restaurant, right next to a security guard (#1). After talking to the guard, he’ll move out of the way, which will allow you to explore the dining area and do some reconnaissance. Between the waitress (#2) and the order computer (#4), you’ll learn that Rooster and the Talon are dining upstairs with five people total in their party, and that the Talon has an allergy to shellfish.

To make kidnapping Rooster easier, you should lure the Talon out of Rooster’s room. There are two ways to do this:

  • You can poison the Talon. To do this, you’ll need to talk to the chef (#7). With the Corporate etiquette, Biotech 3, or a 250 nuyen bribe, you can convince him to accidentally include some prawns with the Talon’s meal. Then when you sit down at the bar (#3), the Talon and two members of his security detail will run downstairs to confront the chef, leaving Rooster upstairs with only one triad enforcer to protect him.
  • You can create a disturbance. If you talk to Henry (#6) and David (#5), then you’ll learn that David recently sabotaged Henry and stole some of his clients. If you get David drunk, then he’ll admit what he did, but this isn’t necessary. You can also just lie to everybody. When you tell Henry that David sabotaged him, the two of them will head outside to duke it out. Then when you sit down at the bar (#3), the Talon and two members of his security detail will run outside to see what’s going on, leaving Rooster upstairs with only one triad enforcer to protect him.

Note: The main difference between the two options is that if the Talon is poisoned, then he’ll lose 2 HP per round when he eventually attacks you. Poisoning the Talon will also earn you an achievement. There isn’t any benefit to completing both options.

When you’re ready to continue the mission, you should sit down at the bar (#3). A waiter will come running into the kitchen from upstairs, leaving the door to the staircase (#8) unlocked. If you did something to lure the Talon, then he’ll come running downstairs, too. These events will allow you to head up to the Upper Floor.

On the Upper Floor, you’ll be able to walk right into Rooster’s room (#10). If the Talon is still with him, then this encounter will lead to a fight, with your party against the Talon and four triad enforcers. You’ll earn 2 karma points when the Talon dies. If the Talon isn’t in the room, then the lone triad enforcer with Rooster will happily leave and let you go about your business, and you won’t have to fight anybody.

When you talk to Rooster, he’ll submit to you quickly, and he’ll begin following you around. He’ll also give you a Service Door Key, which will allow you to unlock two nearby doors (#9, #11). To escape from the restaurant, you’ll just need to head for the back entrance (Exit B), which will take your Outside.

Outside, you’ll get contacted by Pei-Lon, the captain of your getaway boat. He’ll tell you that he’s docked to the east of the restaurant — only a locked door is blocking the way, and he doesn’t know the code for it. He’ll also mention that the HKPF are en route, but they won’t show up until after you’ve escaped.

When you head for the locked door, you’ll run into a pair of triad thugs (#12). No matter what you say to them, they’ll attack you, but if you select the “attack the triads” dialogue option, then you’ll go first. This battle should be pretty easy. You’ll have complete control over Rooster, but since he’s unarmed, he won’t be able to damage anybody, so you should just keep him out of the way. If you keep Rooster unharmed, then you’ll earn extra money at the end of the mission. If you let Rooster get killed, then you’ll fail the mission and have to load your game.

When you reach the locked door (#13), you’ll be given a few ways to deal with it. With Strength 6, Conjuring 1, or Spellcasting 1, you can have your main character open it. Otherwise, you can pick any one of your companions to do the job. If you don’t have any companions, then you’ll be able to make Rooster do it. You can also jack into the nearby Matrix junction (#14) and hack the door open.

When you start to open the door, the Talon (if he’s alive), a triad sniper, and four triad enforcers will rush out of the restaurant and attack you. If you have a character at the door itself, then that character will need four turns to get the job done. If you’re using the Matrix, then you might need more or fewer turns depending on how good you are at avoiding Watcher IC. We’d recommend having your weakest character open the door, and only venture into the Matrix once the fight is over.

You’re not required to defeat the Talon and his minions, but you might as well. Killing the Talon will earn you 2 karma points and extra reward money, and if you don’t take down the sniper, then he might do major damage to you. So find some good cover and then gang up on the triads one at a time.

After getting the door open, you’ll just need to board the getaway boat (#15) to complete the mission and return to Heoi. You’ll receive 6 karma points when you arrive, and your mission payment will depend on how well you did: 1000 nuyen for completing the mission, 300 nuyen for killing the Talon, and 300 nuyen for keeping Rooster unharmed — for a maximum of 1600 nuyen. You can also sell the metadata for the mission to Maximum Law for an additional 200 nuyen (or a level 1 program worth at most that much).

Mission Overview

1 – Starting Point

2 – Waitress

3 – Bar

4 – Order Computer

5 – David

6 – Henry

7 – Chef Yan-Lung Tso

8 – Locked Door

A waiter will open this door when you sit down at the bar (#3).

9 – Private Room

This room will start out locked. You’ll get the key for it when you talk to Rooster (#10). Inside, you’ll find an aquarium. If you have the Academic etiquette, then you’ll be able to grab a fish worth 250 nuyen. Otherwise, you’ll only get a fish worth 50 nuyen. You’ll receive your fish money right away.

10 – Rooster’s Room

11 – Locked Service Corridor

You’ll need the key from Rooster (#10) to open this door.

12 – Triad Thugs

13 – Docking Bay Door

14 – Matrix Junction

Inside the Matrix, if you head south at the intersection, then you’ll find Paydata: Restaurant Reservations, which you’ll later be able to sell for 250 nuyen. If you head north at the intersection, then you’ll be able to hack open the docking bay door (#13).

15 – Schooner


  1. Stairs from the Main Floor to the Upper Floor.
  2. Stairs from the Upper Floor to Outside.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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