Shadowrun Returns Review

RPGFan editors have finally produced their own review for Shadowrun Returns, which echoes some of the recurrent complaints with the title, but still awards it a 75%.

Shadowrun Returns, like the Shadowrun universe itself, is really about potential realized and potential squandered. There was potential here for this to be a game of Editor’s Choice quality out of the box, and the story reaches those levels of quality. But the combat imbalance between classes and the absurd lack of a save system make it fall short. The terrific mod tools and a very passionate community still give this a chance to be a fantastic storytelling engine. It seems appropriate, since it’s the passion of the Shadowrun universe fan base that has kept it alive for so long despite its flaws. Shadowrun Returns carries on that proud tradition it is glaringly imperfect, but that won’t stop me from downloading another mod and playing some more.

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