Skyrim Magic: A Basic Guide

One of the exciting things about Skyrim is the ability to cast magic spells, regardless of the type of character you play. Want to play a fighter or a thief? No worries — Skyrim magic is right at your fingertips. Unlike other RPGs, the ability to use magic isn’t limited by the class of your character build. This open-ended character system adds interest to the game, and really allows players to craft a unique character to their liking.

Note: to learn what races make the best Skyrim magic users, checkout our previous article The Best Skyrim Character: Warrior, Thief, Or Mage.

Skyrim Magic

The ability to cast Skyrim magic is based on a character’s Magicka level. Magicka is one of three basic resource pools in the game (the other two being Health and Stamina). In essence, Magicka is the energy used to cast spells. Your character’s race determines your starting Magicka, and this resource can be increased as your character levels up. The higher your character’s Magicka level, the more Skyrim magic you can cast. As your Magicka level increases you’ll also be able to cast more powerful spells in the game.

Magicka is drained as spells are cast. The higher the spell level, the more quickly Magicka is drained. Magicka can be replenished a number of ways:

  1. Waiting
  2. Drinking special potions
  3. Eating special food (for example, a home cooked meal prepared by your spouse).
  4. Sleeping
  5. Fast traveling to a different location
  6. Leveling up

The rate at which Magicka is replenished can be increased by wearing special armor or apparel bearing the Fortify Magicka enchantment. These Skyrim magic items can either be found as treasure throughout the game, purchased from merchants, or crafted at an arcane enchanter.

Skyrim Spells

skyrim magic booksIn Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, players had the ability to create their own magic spells. Spell creation is no longer possible in Skyrim however, and there are a set number of spells available to learn in the game (96 spells to be exact). Skyrim magic spells fall under one of the five schools:

  1. Alteration
  2. Conjuration
  3. Destruction
  4. Illusion
  5. Restoration

In addition, every Skyrim magic spell has a specific difficulty level. You’ll need sufficient Magicka in order to cast higher level spells. The spell difficulty levels are as follows:

  • Novice (skill level: 0)
  • Apprentice (skill level: 25)
  • Adept (skill level: 50)
  • Expert (skill level: 75)
  • Master (skill level: 100)

Spells can be learned by reading special books called Spell Tomes (purchased from merchants, mages, or found as treasure). More powerful, higher level Spell Tomes won’t be available for purchase until your character’s skill level is at or near the required difficulty level (for example, the Expert level spell Wall of Storms cannot be obtained until your character’s Destruction skill level is around 75). Skyrim’s system of learning spells helps keep the game balanced, and provides incentive for players to increase their character’s skills. Striving to improve your character in Skyrim’s open ended progression system makes the game challenging and addicting.

Please refer to the tables below for a definitive list of all Skyrim magic spells available in the game:

Alteration Spells

Spell NameSpell LevelComments
CandlelightNoviceCreates ball of light for 60 seconds
EquilibriumNoviceConverts 25 health points into 25 mana points per second
OakfleshNoviceIncreases armor rating by 40 points for 60 seconds
MagelightApprenticeCreates stationary ball of light for 60 seconds
StonefleshApprenticeIncreases armor rating by 60 points for 60 seconds
Detect LifeAdeptSee living creatures through walls
IronfleshAdeptIncreases armor rating by 80 points for 60 seconds
TelekinesisAdeptPull an object to you from a distance
TransmutationAdeptChange iron ore to silver or silver ore to gold
WaterbreathingAdeptBreathe underwater for 60 seconds
Detect UndeadExpertDetect undead through walls
EbonyfleshExpertIncreases armor rating by 100 points for 60 seconds
ParalyzeExpertParalyze opponents in affected area for 10 seconds.
DragonhideMasterIgnore 80% of received physical damage
Mass ParalysisMasterParalyze all opponents in affected area for 15 seconds

Conjuration Spells

Spell NameSpell LevelComments
Bound SwordNoviceCreates a magic sword for 120 seconds
Conjure FamiliarNoviceSummons a familiar for 60 seconds
Raise ZombieNoviceReanimates a dead body (level 6 or lower) to fight alongside you for 60 seconds
Summon Unbound DremoraNoviceSummons an unbound dremora for 999 seconds
Bound BattleaxeApprenticeCreates a magic battleaxe for 120 seconds
Conjure Fire AtronachApprenticeSummons a fire atronach for 60 seconds
Flaming FamiliarApprenticeSummons a flaming familiar
Reanimate CorpseApprenticeReanimates a dead body (level 13 or lower) to fight alongside you for 60 seconds
Soul TrapApprenticeFills a soul gem if enemy dies in less than 60 seconds
Summon Arniel’s ShadeApprenticeSummons Arniel’s shade for 60 seconds
Banish DaedraAdeptBanishes Daedra (level 15 or lower) to Oblivion
Bound BowAdeptCreates a magical bow for 120 seconds
Conjure Frost AtronachAdeptSummons a Frost Atronach for 60 seconds
RevenantAdeptReanimates a dead body (level 21 or lower) to fight alongside you for 60 seconds
Command DaedraExpertControl Daedra (level 20 or lower)
Conjure Dremora LordExpertSummon a Dremora lord for 60 seconds
Conjure Storm AtronachExpertSummon a Storm Atronach for 60 seconds
Dread ZombieExpertReanimates a dead body (level 30 or lower) to fight alongside you for 60 seconds
Expel DaedraExpertBanishes Daedra (level 20 or lower) to Oblivion
Dead ThrallMasterReanimates a dead body (level 40 or lower) to fight alongside you permanently
Flame ThrallMasterSummons a Flame Atronach permanently
Frost ThrallMasterSummons a Frost Atronach permanently
Storm ThrallMasterSummons a Storm Atronach permanently

Destruction Spells

Spell NameSpell LevelComments
Arniel’s ConvectionNoviceDeals 1 fire damage per second (targets on fire take extra damage)
FlamesNoviceFire blast that does 8 points of damage per second (targets on fire take extra damage)
FrostbiteNoviceFrost blast that does 8 points of damage per second to Health and Stamina
SparksNoviceLightening blast that does 8 points of damage per second to Health and Magicka
Vampiric DrainNoviceAbsorbs the target’s health points
Fire RuneApprenticeA magical rune that explodes for 50 points of damage if activated by enemies
FireboltApprenticeFire blast that does 25 points of damage per second (targets on fire take extra damage)
Frost RuneApprenticeA magical rune that explodes for 50 points of damage if activated by enemies
Ice SpikeApprenticeIce spike that does 25 points of damage per second to Health and Stamina.
Lightning BoltApprenticeLightening blast that does 25 points of damage to Health and half that to Magicka
Lightning RuneApprenticeA magical rune that explodes for 50 points of damage if activated by enemies
Chain LightningAdeptLightening blast that does 40 points of damage to Health and half that to Magicka then leaps to new target
FireballAdeptFire explosion that does 40 points of damage in 15 foot radius (targets on fire take extra damage)
Flame CloakAdeptNearby targets take 8 points of damage per second for 60 (targets on fire take extra damage)
Frost CloakAdeptNearby targets take 8 points of damage per second to Health and Stamina for 60 seconds
Ice StormAdeptCreates a frost whirlwind that does 40 points of damage per second to Health and Stamina
Lightning CloakAdeptNearby targets take 8 points of damage to Health and half that to Magicka for 60 seconds
Icy SpearExpertAn ice spear that does 60 points of damage to Health and Stamina
IncinerateExpertA blast of fire that does 60 points of damage (targets on fire take extra damage)
ThunderboltExpertThunderbolt that does 60 points of damage to Health and half that to Magicka
Wall of FlamesExpertCreates a wall of flames that inflicts 50 points of damage per second (targets on fire take extra damage)
Wall of FrostExpertCreates a wall of frost that inflicts 50 points of damage per second
Wall of StormsExpertCreates a wall of lightening that inflicts 50 points of damage per second
BlizzardMasterEnemies take 20 points of damage to Health and Stamina for 10 seconds
Fire StormMasterCauses 75 points of damage per second to Health and half that to Magika
Lightning StormMasterCauses 75 points of damage per second to Health and half that to Magika

Illusion Spells

Spell NameSpell LevelComments
ClairvoyanceNoviceShows path to the active quest’s current destination
CourageNoviceTarget won’t flee for 60 seconds and gains extra Health and Stamina
FuryNoviceForces creatures and people level 6 or lower to attack everyone in sight
Vision of the Tenth EyeNoviceNotice unseen things
CalmApprenticeForces creatures and people level 9 or lower to stop fighting
FearApprenticeForces creatures and people level 9 or lower to flee
MuffleApprenticeMove silently for 3 minutes
FrenzyAdeptForces creatures and people level 14 or lower to attack everyone in sight
RallyAdeptTarget won’t flee for 60 seconds and gains extra Health and Stamina
InvisibilityExpertBecome invisible for 30 seconds
PacifyExpertForces creatures and people level 20 or lower to stop fighting
RoutExpertForces creatures and people level 20 or lower to flee
Call to ArmsMasterIncreases the combat skills Health and Stamina of targeted beings for 10 minutes
HarmonyMasterForces creatures and people level 25 or lower to stop fighting
HysteriaMasterForces creatures and people level 25 or lower to flee
MayhemMasterForces creatures and people on level 25 or lower to attack everyone in sight

Restoration Spells

Spell NameSpell LevelComments
HealingNoviceRegenerates 10 health points per second
Lesser WardNoviceIncreases armor rating by 40 points and negates 40 points of received magic damage
Fast HealingApprenticeRegenerates 50 health points
Healing HandsApprenticeHeals the target 10 points per second
Steadfast WardApprenticeIncreases armor rating by 60 points and negates 60 points of received magic damage
Turn Lesser UndeadApprenticeRegenerates 100 health points
Greater WardAdeptIncreases armor rating by 80 points and negates 80 points of received magic damage
Heal OtherAdeptHeals the target 75 points
Repel Lesser UndeadAdeptForces the undead to flee for 30 seconds (level 8 or lower)
Turn UndeadAdeptForces the undead to flee for 30 seconds (level 13 or lower)
Circle of ProtectionExpertCreates a magical circle that forces all the undead standing inside it to flee (level 30 or lower)
Turn Greater UndeadExpertForcing the undead on level 21 or lower to flee for 30 seconds. This spell works on only one targeted creature.
Repel UndeadExpertForces the undead to flee for 30 seconds (level 16 or lower)
Grand HealingExpertHeals everyone close to the caster 200 points
Bane of the UndeadMasterSets the undead (level 45 or lower) on fire and forces them to flee for 30 receive a lot of damage.
Guardian CircleMasterCreates a magical circle that forces all the undead (level 35 or lower) standing inside it to flee and allows caster to regenerate 20 health points per second
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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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