Vote For Teagan! Aela The Huntress Cosplay

Alea The Huntress Cosplay

A few days ago, Cameron Atkins (one of the Skyrim Fansite’s Facebook followers) approached us regarding his girlfriend, Teagan. It seems that Teagan entered the Makeup Look Contest sponsored by Geek Chic Cosmetics as the one and only Aela the Huntress.

Hey! My girlfriend’s in an online cosplay makeup competition, as Aela the Huntress (: She doesn’t know I’m doing this, but It’d mean so much to her if you could post her photo and the link to the contest on your wall. It’d be super cool and much appreciated (: Her name is Teagan Thank you! It’d mean the world to her (:

Aela The Huntress Cosplay

If you’ve followed the Skyrim Fansite for any length of time you know that we do all that we can to promote Skyrim and the cosplay community in general.

RELATED: Amazing Skyrim Cosplay | Skyrim Cosplay: An Interview With Gekroent

As it stands, we’re more than happy to honor Cameron’s request and give a shout out to Teagan. Not only does her cosplay look amazing, we think that Cameron’s appeal on his girlfriend’s behalf is sweet. We never grow tired of Aela the Huntress and feel-good romantic stories (remember the guy that proposed to his fiancee with a handmade Amulet of Mara? Classic!).

So when you get a few moments, take a look at the contestants in the Makeup Look Contest here and vote for your favorite.

The contest is close, and your vote will make a difference. If you’re a true son or daughter of Skyrim, we know that you’ll vote for Teagan!


Aela the Huntress Cosplay Contest
Vote for Teagan as Aela the Huntress!
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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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