Best Skyrim Map App for Apple iPad

Skyrim Map AppFirst off, I’d like to apologize to anyone who doesn’t have an Apple iPhone and iPad — I fully realize that there are several kick-butt Android phones and tablets on the market, and the intention of this post isn’t to start a flame war over which piece of tech is superior. For the sake of non-argument, let me state that they’re all good, and that both Apple and Android have a special, and necessary place in our post-industrial, 21st century world. With that out of the way, I personally own an iPad, and being the big Skyrim geek that I am, I went questing for the best game apps for my device. Today, I’d like to share with you my opinion on the MAppZ-Skyrim Edition app by Shawn Webster.

When I first tore the cellophane off of my Xbox 360 edition of The Elderscrolls V: Skyrim game and opened up the case, I was immediately drawn to the enclosed map. For me, maps are an integral part of the fantasy genre, and have been ever since I cracked open The Hobbit for the first time when I was in fifth grade. All good fantasy novels have maps of their make-believe worlds so the reader can form some sort of context, and the same can be said of Skyrim. While the Skyrim map definitely looks pretty and is worthy of hanging on any Traveller’s wall, it’s practically worthless as an actual gaming accessory. As soon as I came to grips with how enormous the Skyrim world truly was, I ditched the paper map and started searching for something with a little more meat on its bones to help me on my adventures.

My quest led me to the MAppZ-Skyrim Edition designed for both the iPad and iPhone. I realize that Apple claims “there’s an app for that,” but at the time of my search, I didn’t even realize that Skyrim apps existed for Apple devices. Foolish boy! The MAppZ-Skyrim Edition is an unofficial map app for the video game, but this didn’t deter me in the slightest. After all, this very website is an unofficial fansite of the greatest game on earth, and in my opinion passionate fans create some of the best gaming content out there. It ain’t about the money baby, it’s about the love. And even though the MAppZ cost $1.99 (an awesome value), it was money well spent. For me, these are the highlights of the MAppZ-Skyrim Edition:

  • The map is optimized for Apple and looks absolutely gorgeous on the iPad.
  • The map is interactive and live-updated to showcase all the game’s locations.
  • Gamer’s have the ability to add their own locations to the map, and can submit those locations for everyone else to see (I haven’t tried this feature yet, but I feel it brings a sense of community to the app and the Skyrim world at large)
  • The map ties in directly to the Skyrim Wiki. I find this feature incredibly useful during my journeys.

When I play Skyrim, I always make certain to have my iPad handy (as well as a big bowl of microwave popcorn sprinkled with M&Ms — maybe not as good as a sweet roll, but it’s my special Skyrim treat). Using the MAppZ-Skyrim Edition truly brings more enjoyment to my game, and I’d be lost in Skyrim without it.

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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