Faces Of Skyrim Exhibition Is Breathtaking

faces of skyrim exhibition
Tauriel by Andy Cull

Prepare to be awed by the faces of Skyrim…

If you’re a true son or daughter of Skyrim, you have to check out the Faces of Skyrim Exhibition One on Flickr. This special gallery of inspirational Skyrim portraiture is simply amazing, consisting of eighteen high resolution images that speak to the beauty of the game.

Faces of Skyrim Exhibition One

Like all good art, the images collected in the Faces of Skyrim Exhibition One tell a story. These are living portraits charged with feeling — each lifelike character possessing a tangible soul. You can see it in the eyes. In the glow of the skin. In every smudge of dirt or livid scar.

The group responsible for the Faces of Skyrim Exhibition consists of 80 talented screenarchers from around the world, headed by Skyrim Fansite favorite Andy Cull (to learn more about Andy and his amazing work, please read the exclusive interview he gave to us here).

According to Andy:

The aim of the group is to showcase the best Skyrim portraiture and I’m very pleased with how our first gallery has come out.

The group’s original plan was to publish a single gallery, but the portrait quality has been so amazing that a second Faces of Skyrim Exhibition is in the works (with hopefully more galleries to follow!).

Faces of Skyrim Submissions

The group is open to anyone interested in shooting Skyrim portraits. There are however a few conditions:

  1. The group does not accept any material considered adult,
  2. There is a no Photoshop rule, and none of the images selected for the Faces of Skyrim Exhibition can be edited outside the game (the group wants all portraits to reflect what can be seen in game),
  3. There is a limit of posting one shot per day to the image pool to avoid spamming.

For more information, please contact Andy Cull, and take a look at a small sampling of what the Faces of Skyrim Exhibition One has to offer (images posted by permission):

Fear the Huntress Aela
Fear the Huntress – Aela by modd3r86
Eorlund with Wuuthrad by Diethardt
Eorlund with Wuuthrad by Diethardt
Redguard by YourAverageGrunt
Redguard by YourAverageGrunt
enb2014_5_9_18_26_34 by Zarin_unico
enb2014_5_9_18_26_34 by Zarin_unico


Skyrim 2014 by nalcarya
Skyrim 2014 by nalcarya
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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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