The Skyrim RPG Experience

skyrim rpg

Long before video RPGs became vogue, gamers would have to break out the pens, paper, books, and dice to get a role playing fix. Table top RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons are still being played today, but not to the extent that they were back in the Golden Age of Gaming when Ronald Reagan was still President. Skyrim and other video RPGs owe a debt of gratitude to classic games like Dungeons and Dragons, where players could be transported to a fantasy world full of excitement and adventure.

Skyrim RPG Experience

One of the great things about Skyrim is how well it replicates the playing experience of table top games of yesteryear. The world of Skyrim is huge and the game play is immersive. As Skyrim fans know, it’s easy to get caught up in character development and dungeon exploration, and even casual players soon find themselves racking up hundreds of hours of game play.

So what is it exactly that makes the Skyrim RPG experience so appealing?

Character Creation

For starters, the game does a remarkable job allowing a player to craft a character to his or her liking. The Skyrim character creation system is a robust one, providing plenty of customization options to build unique characters. Whether defining physical characteristics (height, skin tone, hair style, etc.), or selecting a unique race with specific bonuses, the Skyrim RPG engine allows enough variety for a gamer to create a special character he or she can call their very own. Skyrim’s character creation rings true to the table top RPG experience of “rolling up” characters on a game night.


Once a character is created, the Skyrim open ended progression system really makes the game an immersive one. Leveling in the Skyrim RPG is akin to its table top forebears: a player gains experience by completing quests, killing foes, and interacting with the fantasy world in which they explore. Just like a classic table top RPG, gained experience points are used to “level up.” Leveling becomes addicting as a player watches a character grow in strength, skill and power. Given enough time, a player can craft a character into a force to be reckoned with.

Open Ended World

One of the hallmarks of table top gaming is the imaginative, open world where a character exists. A player is given free will to make choices and adventure in the world as seems fitting. The Skyrim RPG experience stays true to this “free roaming” concept with its huge, open ended world just waiting to be explored. Skyrim’s RPG engine allows a player to adventure in a nonlinear way. This open world concept gives the game an immersive quality far different from most video games that restrict a player’s choices.

Final Thoughts

If you’re a Skyrim fan, you already know about the amazing Skyrim RPG experience. If you’re new to the game, it won’t take you long to be mesmerized by Skyrim’s character creation system, leveling concepts, and open world play. I’ve played untold video games throughout the years, and Skyrim is by far the best at replicating a good old fashioned table top RPG experience.

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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