More Awesome Skyrim Wallpaper

skyrim wallpaper
An example of some of the awesome Skyrim wallpaper you can download

The Skyrim Fansite launched its revised wallpaper section only last month, and the downloads are proving to be quite popular. Fans from across the globe have already downloaded Skyrim wallpaper 477 times. We’ve heard a lot of positive feedback regarding the improved site layout and the ability to download wallpaper in 36 screen resolutions, including HD wallpaper sizes and sizes for Android, iPhones, PS Vita, etc. (this awesome image resizing feature sold us on the wallpaper script we purchased to run the site). We’ve been adding Skyrim wallpaper as often as we can, though admittedly it’s been a slower process than anticipated. We’re hoping to add a lot more wallpaper in the near future, and have been featuring a “Wallpaper of the Week” in the right sidebar of the Skyrim Fansite as promised.

New Oblivion Wallpaper Category

In addition to new Skyrim wallpaper, today we launched an Oblivion wallpaper category. We feel Oblivion is a nice compliment to our Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online wallpapers, and we hope you agree. When you have a chance, take a look at the new section here and let us know what you think. We currently have 10 really cool Oblivion wallpapers to choose from, all in high definition. When you find a favorite you can select the unique size needed for your electronic device and the site will automatically resize the image for you. You can also rate your favorites and share the wallpaper via Facebook, Twitter and social bookmarks if you desire.

Submit Your Skyrim Wallpaper

It also bears mentioning that the Skyrim wallpaper section had a fun feature that allowed visitors to upload their own images to the site. Regrettably though, we had to disable the feature due to spambots and sploggers. With that said, if you have a Skyrim wallpaper you’d like to submit to the Fansite, shoot us a message via the contact link and we’ll add the image.

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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