Third Skyrim DLC to be Titled ‘Dragonborn’?

An unofficial announcement of the third DLC to be released for Skyrim entitled “Dragonborn” was announced on the Bethesda Forums by Mardoxx yesterday. The Dragonborn DLC is presumed to take players back to Solstheim, a small island to the East of Skyrim and North of Vvardenfell. Players are rumored to be able to visit locations such as Raven Rock, Miraak Temple, Castle Karstaag and Telvanni Tower and finally mount dragons. Armor types Bonemold, Chitin, Nordic and Stalhrim from the original title Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind are also said to make an appearance in this DLC.

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Phill is a long time Elder Scrolls enthusiast who decided to create a community of his own. He is the founder of both The Skyrim Guild and The Shadowed Mare -- two of the earliest Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online websites.

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