U.S. Trademark May Confirm ‘Dragonborn’ DLC for Skyrim

Earlier today it was unofficially announced that the third DLC for Skyrim would be titled “Dragonborn” – officially Zenimax has registered a U.S. Trademark for the word “Dragonborn” for “downloadable computer game software offered via the internet and wireless devices” which was published for opposition on September 15, 2012. Could this trademark be registered to protect the title of their next DLC or to simply coin the term “Dragonborn”? It’s hard to tell but it certainly seems strange to publish the trademark almost a year after the release of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to simply protect the term “Dragonborn”.

The Dragonborn DLC is rumored to take players back to Solstheim, a small island to the East of Skyrim, to explore Morrowind once again. Armor types rumored to make the DLC include Bonemold, Chitin, Nordic and Stalhrim. It was also mentioned players may be able to mount dragons and fly around the province.

What do you think? Does this confirm the title of the 3rd Skyrim DLC or is it just to protect the word?


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Phill is a long time Elder Scrolls enthusiast who decided to create a community of his own. He is the founder of both The Skyrim Guild and The Shadowed Mare -- two of the earliest Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online websites.

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