The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim GI Cover Deciphered

Are you curious what those runic symbols mean on the back of GameInformer’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim cover? Thanks to the code crackers over at Hooked Gamers, the message has been deciphered: Dragonborn, Dragonborn By his honor is sworn…

The Future of RPGs: Looking Forward to 2011

With 2011 stacked with a plethora of RPG releases, G4 has published a new “The Future of RPGs” feature that profiles many of the heavy-hitters scheduled for release within the next twelve months. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Witcher…

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Five Things GameZone Wants

Another one of those “what we want to see” articles has surfaced for Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and this time it’s GameZone providing us with a five-point list. Interestingly enough, the complaints they level at Oblivion were never…

1UP’s Most Anticipated PC Games of 2011

What I find most interesting about 1UP’s list of 2011’s most anticipated PC games is that 7 of the 10 titles are role-playing games, including The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, Mass Effect 3, Diablo III, The Elder Scrolls V:…

The Elder Scrolls Retrospectives

The recent announcement of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has prompted a couple of new retrospectives for the series’ earlier titles, including this extensive four-pager over at GameInformer that’s actually written by longtime Bethesda developers: Daggerfall in my memory is…

The Lore of Skyrim

Skyrim is the war-torn and rugged territory at the farthest northern peak of Tamriel. Skyrim is also home to High Hrothgar, the mountain believed to be where the Nordic people were created. Skyrim has had it’s far share of war…

The Lore of Skyrim

Skyrim is the war-torn and rugged territory at the farthest northern peak of Tamriel. Skyrim is also home to High Hrothgar, the mountain believed to be where the Nordic people were created. Skyrim has had it’s far share of war…