Space Siege Preview

The editors at Eurogamer have whipped up a new two-page preview of Gas Powered Games’ latest stab at the action RPG genre, Space Siege.

As you – or rather, Walker – explore the Armstrong, you’ll get the opportunity to upgrade yourself using cybernetic parts you pick up along the way. The effects are obvious; the more you upgrade, the less human your character looks, as he gradually transforms into an arse-kicking robot death-monger. As character progression goes, it’s a hell of a lot more blatant than a +2 modifier on your dexterity.

This, however, is one of the basic conflicts of the game; Walker himself is unhappy with the idea of losing his humanity as a result of the cybernetic implants, and this extends rather further than some wishy-washy dialogue where he agonises over whether to install the latest cool gun on the menu. Throughout the game, you maintain a “humanity score” – a meter of how much of your body is still good old-fashion homo sapiens. Tool yourself up totally, and the game will be pretty easy to finish; but try and do it with less cyborg bits and bobs, and you’ll uncover a different – and tougher – play experience, not to mention a different game ending.

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