Khoonda – Star Wars: KOTOR II

In this guide, you’ll find a walkthrough for the Dantooine part of Star Wars: KOTOR II. To help you to navigate this area, a map, and legend are provided. There are more detailed notes for each point of the map legend in the walkthrough section.

Star Wars Kotor 2 khoonda map

1 – Exit
2 – Suulru, Disgruntled Farmer
3 – Gerevick the Mighty
4 – Administrator Terena Adare & Zherron (after finding Vrook)
5 – Berun Modrul, Assistant
6 – Adum Larp, Merchant
7 – Zherron
8 – Console
9 – Exit
10 – Defense Droid Station & Workbench
11 – Medical Lab
12 – Exit
13 – The Vault
14 – Final Battle
15 – Jedi Master Vrook


Several events take place here in Khoonda. Your first main goal is to get permission from Adare at #4 to enter the Enclave Sublevel. Then you should speak with Zherron at #7 for a Crystal Cave quest. Also speak with Suulru at #2 for a side quest. When you’re busy defending or sabotaging Khoonda from/for the invaders, Adare gives you a passkey that lets you into the locked rooms for additional events and quests. Khoonda is also the place you’ll have the final confrontation, either at #14 or #15 depending on your choices.

1 – Exit

Exit to Khoonda Plains (#4).

2 – Suulru, Disgruntled Farmer

Have a chat with him to learn of his stolen moisture vaporators. Jorran is the man responsible, and he’s currently doing some salvaging at the Enclave Sublevel (#3). Once found, Jorran will return to the Jedi Courtyard (#4), where you can confront him on the matter. When you have them, take them back here to Suulru and he’ll give you a reward, along with xp.

Once you solve his quest, Suulru can also be recruited into the local militia for Zherron later.

3 – Gerevick the Mighty

This man is too important to talk to you. You’ll see him again in the Enclave Sublevel and I doubt he’ll like the outcome.

4 – Administrator Terena Adare & Zherron (after finding Vrook)

Speak with her for some news about the area, and to get permission to enter the Enclave Sublevel to find a connection with Master Vrook, whom she knows.

a) After finding the atmospheric sensors for Saedhe in the Crystal Cave:

If you’ve spoken with Berun Modrul at #5, who believes Zherron is up to no good, you can show the sensors to Adare and have Zherron temporarily demoted from his position. Later, Zherron’s motives were found to be just, and he is reinstated. My recommendation therefore, is to sell the sensors to Saedhe for a nice profit.

b) In Defense of Khoonda, after meeting with Vrook:

If you’ve met with Vrook, speak with Adare to get a special passkey that allows you access into the previously locked rooms at #8, 10 & 11. Talk with Zherron who’s now standing beside her to receive a number of small protection quests related to the defense of Khoonda. See #3c below.

c) Khoonda’s Defense, Zherron’s Quests:

After you’ve met with Vrook, Zherron is now standing here beside Adare. Talk to him to find out how you can aid in Khoonda’s defense. He offers a total of six easy mini-quests, which, if you successfully handle all of them, will make the end battle with Azkul easier. Note: some of these quests will not actually trigger as completed until you talk to Zherron and tell him you are ready to commence with the battle.

One more note. If you do not go back to Azkul and tell him you’re on his side, but instead finalize battle plans with Zherron when ready, you will still be able to side with Azkul for (DS Points) at the beginning of the battle at #14. By telling Zherron to begin instead of Azkul, you will not fight Master Vrook at the end, regardless of your dialogue choices, unless you’ve already fought him in the cave. The only way to fight him is by telling Azkul on the Khoonda Plains to begin the assault or to have already fought him in the crystal cave. Therefore, if Dantooine is your first planet, it’s recommended you tell Zherron to begin battle, even if you sabotaged all the defenses in Azkul’s favor, because you’ll likely avoid a tremendously difficult fight with Vrook but still side with Azkul.

1. Reactivate the Defense Droids: At #10, reactivate all three defense droids and then use the console to reprogram them to fire on the mercenary enemies. Alternatively, if you’re working for Azkul, you can use the console and sabotage them to fire on friendly militia.

2. Reinforce the Mines Outside: At Khoonda Plains (#11 & #12), lay a few mines to the empty areas at each of these locations to complete this quest.

3. Recruitment for Militia: This one is a little more time consuming. First, recruit those you can here in Khoonda. This first includes the wounded militia at #11, whom you have to first either treat their injuries or have the medical droid do it, at which point they will automatically enlist. Secondly, Suulru at #2 will join if you’ve completed his quest. Thirdly, while reactivating the Defense Droids above, you found the hydrospanner for Akkere. After returning it to him at Khoonda Plains (#3), he’ll join as payment if you keep his secret. Fourthly, Dillan just outside near the entrance at Khoonda Plains (#4) will join willingly. Finally, in the Jedi Courtyard, Jorran at Jedi Courtyard (#4) will join if you found him at the Jedi Enclave.

4. Optimize the Gun Turrets: At #8, use the console to optimize the targeting to fire on the hostile mercenaries. Alternatively, if you’re working for Azkul, you can sabotage them to fire on friendly militia or simply deactivate them.

5. Wounded Militia: At #11, use your own Treat Injury on the several militia for (LS Points) with each, or program the medical droid to tend to their wounds. They will automatically join the militia after they’re healed.

6. Security Door: At the north door at Khoonda Plains (#5), simply lock it down to prevent access. Of course, I think it’s worth a little extra danger if you break in and take the items inside at #13.

Once you have as many of these accomplished as you feel might be needed, talk to Zherron again and tell him to finalize the battle plans. Next you will be outside. At this point, you can tell him that you want a word with the troops before battle. When talking to the troops, you can either increase their moral for (LS Points) or, if you’re on Azkul’s side, decrease it by telling of their impending doom for (DS Points). Continue reading #14 below.

d) As Light Side, after saving Khoonda:

You can refuse Adare’s 4,000 credit reward for more (LS Points).

5 – Berun Modrul, Assistant

As Zherron’s assistant, he believes his superior is up to no good, and is fairly convincing as well with his innocent earnestness. You can help him by finding the atmospheric sensors at Crystal Cave (#2), finding out that they are outfitted by Zherron for surveillance, and delivering them to Adare at #4. However, you can sell these same sensors to Saedhe outside on the Khoonda Plains for 3 or 4k, and in the end it turns out his suspicions against Zherron are unjustified, so I’d recommend earning a little money.

You can also persuade him to tell others that Jedi aren’t as bad as they seem, since currently on Dantooine Jedi have a notorious reputation.

6 – Adum Larp, Merchant

You may recognize this Rodian from the first game. He’s back, and you’ll again be able to access his fine wares for sale.

7 – Zherron

Before meeting with Vrook, Zherron is here. Talk to him for a quest to clear out the Crystal Cave of the Kinrath problem. It requires that you defeat the Matriarch at Crystal Cave (#4). When accomplished, return for a 2,000 credit reward. After Vrook, Zherron will be at #4 next to Adare.

If you found both dead salvagers in the Enclave Sublevel:

You can return their items for credits and (LS Points), or if you forged the will, you can return for their items and (DS Points).

8 – Console

After Vrook, and during the defense of Khoonda, you can program the gun turrets outside to fire on the hostile mercenaries (Light Side) or friendly militia (Dark Side).

9 – Exit

Exit to Khoonda Plains (#5). This exit is only available with the passkey you get from Adare after meeting with Vrook.

10 – Defense Droid Station & Workbench

After Vrook, and during the defense of Khoonda, first activate the droids and optimize them if you wish. Then use the console in the room to either program them to fire on the hostile mercenaries (Light Side) or friendly militia (Dark Side). On one of the defense droids, you’ll find a Hydrospanner if you look. This belongs to Akkere at Khoonda Plains (#3) and when you confront him with it, you can either blackmail him and/or turn him in, or accept his apologies and ask him to join the militia to protect Khoonda, in return for your keeping his business a secret.

The workbench here can come in handy before the final battle.

11 – Medical Lab

After Vrook, and during the defense of Khoonda, you can use your Treat Injury skill on these wounded soldiers to receive (LS Points), or you can also program the medical droid to do it. They will automatically be a part of Khoonda’s defense if you heal them.

12 – Exit

Exit to Khoonda Plains (#5), north side door. You can only use this exit from outside, and only after meeting with Vrook.

13 – The Vault

It’s not really a vault, but it holds a massive amount of containers with all sorts of random items. After meeting with Vrook, you can enter this room from the outside security door, but while also compromising Khooda’s security a little. Is it worth the risk? You decide.

14 – Final Battle

After you’ve initiated the final battle with Zherron, this is where it happens. If you didn’t already tell Azkul you were against him, he’ll ask if you are still with him.

For Dark Side players wanting to side with Azkul:

Simply say you could care less whether Administrator Adare lives or dies. A cut scene will play and there will be no real battle. Afterward, you’ll find yourself at #15 with Jedi Master Vrook, who tells you some things cannot be avoided. He’ll allow you to ask questions, then teach you the technique Force Affinity and if you have yet to assemble your lightsaber, give you a Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture, the final piece you need to assemble your lightsaber. Head back to Administrator Adare for your thanks or 4,000 credit reward if you ask or 5,000 if you complain. Congratulations on beating Dantooine!

For Light Side players who fight the final battle against Azkul:

It can be a fairly difficult fight if you didn’t prepare Khoonda. However, allow yourself to slip into the western hallway if it gets too rough. Sooner or later Master Vrook will help you against Azkul – making it much easier – and shortly after he falls the battle will end. Afterward, you’ll find yourself at #15 with Jedi Master Vrook, who tells you some things cannot be avoided. He’ll allow you to ask questions, then teach you the technique Force Affinity and if you have yet to assemble your lightsaber, give you a Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture, the final piece you need to assemble your lightsaber. Head back to Administrator Adare for your thanks or 4,000 credit reward if you ask or 5,000 if you complain. Congratulations on beating Dantooine!

15 – Jedi Master Vrook

You’ll only fight Vrook if you told Azkul to begin the invasion or if you first fought him in the cave. If you told Zherron, you appear instead at #14 regardless of your alliance with Azkul. If you’ve already fought or won at #14 (for Azkul or Adare), Vrook will answer your questions, give you a Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture and teach you the technique Force Affinity.

a) Fighting Master Vrook:

If you have yet to assemble your lightsaber, you will get a Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture at the beginning of the battle. Prepare for an intense and long battle. Fortunately, you have the plants and other obstacles at the back that you can run around at any time and likely confuse Vrook, so that you can simply stand there and heal. At any time. Unfortunately, all it takes from Vrook is one good hit with your energy down even slightly to kill you. Therefore, here are some tips, especially useful for the first planet player.

Use your energy shields. At all times, have one of them activated. Use all of your stimulant types, and keep them up when they deplete. Buff yourself and if possible, use any force powers you have that damage him even a little. Continue damaging him, running away, replenishing your force powers and coming back for more. If you have none that can do damage, head in for the attack. Run away if you are damaged and wait until you can heal.

If you simply cannot hit him, here is another method. Turn on your energy shield, quickly run up to Vrook and toss your best grenade. It will damage him and he’ll likely damage you, so run away, heal, reactivate your shield and repeat until you are out of grenades. If you have demolition skill you can also plant mines in a line at the back, once you’ve eluded him. Then catch his attention and he’ll run across them and get significantly damaged.

A fairly safe way of battling him, though the longest, is to equip your best ranged weapon and run behind the back obstacles until you have some distance between you or he stops, sneak up on him and fire off an attack. Likely it will miss but it may penetrate… rarely. Keep doing this until he’s expended. When the battle is finally over, you’ll find Azkul standing in Administrator Adare’s former spot. Congratulations on beating Dantooine!

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

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