Star Wars: KotOR

Richard Cobbett on RPG Villains

The latest of Richard Cobbett’s RPG Scrollbars columns talks in detail about the intricate process of creating fun, memorable, and satisfying video game antagonists. We get to read about a variety of villain archetypes and their nefarious tricks, and learn…

PC Gamer’s RPG Dream Team

The editors at PC Gamer have put together a list of the best, in their opinion, RPG companions. The result is quite an eclectic bunch that goes from Morte to HK-47, to the beast of burden donkey from Dungeon Siege.…

BioWare’s James Ohlen Talks Game Design

Long-time BioWare designer James Ohlen was on hand at this week’s Digital Dragons conference in Krakow, Poland, and as a result, the folks at caught up with him to chat about a variety of topics related to game design.…

Is Being Evil in RPGs Fun?

Richard Cobbett, in his RPG Scrollbars column on Rock, Paper, Shotgun, ponders whether it is fun to be evil in RPGs. His ultimate conclusion is that no, it isn’t. Not when being evil is the only thing you can be.…

PC Gamer’s History of RPGs

Richard Cobbett, a well-known pundit when it comes to RPGs, has put together a comprehensive guide to PC RPGs, starting from way back in 1975. With the sheer scope of the RPG genre, some titles get overlooked, but for the…

IGN’s Top 100 RPGs of All Time, Part 5

The final 20 titles that IGN considers to be the best of the best when it comes to RPGs have been unveiled. By now, their editors’ fondness for Japanese games should be quite apparent, so the top picks aren’t that…