Star Wars: KotOR

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Retrospective

Despite the fact that it’s quite short, I thought I’d still point you over to this retrospective for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on Gamer Bliss since we’re quickly approaching the ten-year anniversary of the release of BioWare’s…

Drew Karpyshyn Interview

The folks at Video Game Sophistry, a gaming-themed show at AM640 radio, have chatted with former BioWare lead writer Drew Karpyshyn, which most of our readers might know for his work on the first two Mass Effect titles and the…

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic iPad Reviews

A couple of reviews for the iPad version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic have surfaced, offering generally positive impressions of the port of BioWare’s sci-fi RPG. Joystiq, scoreless. Aside from the new touchscreen controls, everything else is…

Disney Shuts Down LucasArts

I suppose some might not consider this news strictly part of our coverage, but frankly it’s so noteworthy that we can’t just ignore it: GameInformer is reporting that Disney has shut down LucasArts as an internal development/publishing branch and will…