How to Fast Travel, Take Off of & Land on Planets – Starfield

You’ll be doing a lot of traveling from place to place in Starfield, but you can’t just fly around freely. Instead, you must navigate a series of menus in order to get from space to ground, and back up again. In this guide, we’ll walk you through each step of the Fast Travel process.

Below, you’ll find a lot of details on how to fast travel (including the hotkeys for doing so) but to summarize, here are all the ways you can Fast Travel in Starfield:

  • Pick a destination from the Starmap
  • Set a course using your Mission Log
  • Use your Scanner

Fast Traveling on Planets

Fast traveling on Planets is fairly simple. Open your scanner with computer key f t / button xbox leftbumper, and look at the district or area you want to travel to. Then press computer key e t / playstation x button / button xbox a v2 to fast travel — you’ll get a confirmation screen, but just hit the same button again and you’ll fast travel to your chosen destination.

fast travel on planet starfield

However, sometimes it can be tough to see the area you’re looking for — or maybe you want to Fast Travel somewhere else. in these instances, it’s easier to do so via your Starmap (which can be used to fast travel somewhere else on the planet, or to anywhere else in the galaxy).

Fast Travel Via the Starmap

To reach destinations in other systems, you’ll need to use the Starmap. For this method, naturally you’ll first need to open up your Starmap. Press [Tab] / playstation options button / button xbox pause to open the Data Menu. Then, move your cursor to the upper left, and you’ll see the word “Starmap” appear. Then press icon mouse left click v2/ playstation x button / button xbox a v2 to go to the Starmap. On mouse and keyboard, you can press the computer key m t key to skip this step and go directly to the star map.

Selecting Your Destination

If you’re trying to land on a planet, you’re already on the right screen. Otherwise, you’ll need to zoom out a bit — press Tab / playstation circle button / button xbox b v2 to see a map of the system. If you’re trying to travel to another star, press the input again to zoom out to the galaxy level of the Starmap.

Now, you can set a course to the star or planet you’re trying to reach by putting your cursor over it and pressing icon mouse left click v2/ playstation x button / button xbox a v2. (Some galactic locations have more than one star, so you may have to then use the same input to select the star you want to travel to.) You’ll be asked to confirm your selection — do so, and then either click and hold the travel button, or hold X / playstation x button / button xbox a v2, to travel to your chosen destination.

Traveling to Your Destination & Landing

You’ll be asked to confirm your selection — do so, and then either click and hold the travel button, or hold computer key x t / playstation x button / button xbox a v2, to travel to your chosen destination. If your goal is to land on a planet, make sure you select the proper landing zone — if you’ve discovered specific areas on the planet, you can select them before holding the travel button.

If you haven’t however, then you’ll need to travel to the planet; once you’ve arrived to the planet, you’ll then need to repeat the process of opening up your map and selecting your destination. Rotate the planet with the right stick, or by holding icon mouse right click v2and moving the mouse, until you can see your destination. Hover it with your cursor and press icon mouse left click v2/ playstation x button / button xbox a v2 to set your Landing Target, then hold computer key x t / playstation square button / button xbox x v2 (or click and hold the land button with your mouse) to land.

starfield fast travel landing on a planet

Fast Travel Via the Mission Screen

If you’re trying to travel somewhere for a mission, you can do so from your Missions log. Press tab / playstation options button / button xbox pause to open the Data Menu. Then, move your cursor to the bottom, and you’ll see the word “Missions” appear. Then press icon mouse left click v2/ playstation x button / button xbox a v2 to go to the Missions menu. From there, you can hover your current mission, then press computer key r t / playstation square button / button xbox x v2 to directly set a course to the system or landing zone for that mission, and hold computer key x t / playstation square button / button xbox x v2 (or click and hold the land button with your mouse) to land.

Returning to your Ship

After exploring the surface of a planet, the last thing you want to do is make the long trek back to your ship. Fortunately, explorers can fast travel back to the ship with the scan tool. Activate the scanning tool with F / button xbox leftbumper, aim at your ship icon, and hold down E / playstation x button / button xbox a v2. You’ll return to your ship, ready to continue your journey!

Fast Travel From the Cockpit

While in space, you can fast travel to other planets or locations in the system. activate your scanner by pressing computer key f t / button xbox leftbumper. Then center your cursor over the location you want to travel to, and press computer key e t / playstation x button / button xbox a v2to select it. You should then see the Travel prompt appear. Make sure your Grav Drive is powered, then hold computer key r t / playstation square button / button xbox x v2 to initiate the grav jump.

fast travel from cockpit starfield

How to Take Off

Naturally, to fast travel from the cockpit, you’ll need to be in your ship first! Once inside, walk up to the pilot’s seat, look at it, and press E / playstation x button / button xbox a v2 to sit. Then, hold Space / playstation triangle button / button xbox y v2 to take off.

starfield sitting down in pilots seat fast travel

Now you’re all set to explore the Settled Systems and beyond. What do you think of the fast travel system in Starfield? Is it better to have to fast travel everywhere instead of manually flying? Let us know in the comments below!

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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