System Shock 2

On Difficulty: A Few Hours With System Shock 2

Rock, Paper, Shotgun is offering an editorial of the first few hours of System Shock 2 coming from the perspective of a newcomer. Here’s a snip that focuses on mechanics and specifically the writer’s experience with the game’s introduction to…

System Shock 2 Mod Spotlight

Now that we’ve all purchased our easy-to-install, DRM-free copies of System Shock 2, our friends over at have put together a “mod spotlight” feature that profiles many of the important if not entirely crucial modifications available for the horror-themed…

System Shock 2 Released on GOG

As per yesterday’s announcement, today System Shock 2 has been released on GOG for $9.99, with plenty of extras (concept art, design docs and more). For the few of our readers who don’t quite understand why everyone is so excited,…

The Making Of: System Shock 2

EDGE is offering an interesting retrospective/behind-the-scenes look at the seminal System Shock 2, with excerpts from Ken Levine. Here’s one particularly interesting bit: (The three partners sat down, and we ended up with a game design which was basically our…