Grand Entrance – Temple of Elemental Evil Area of the Week 02/21/03

This page is a part (The Temple Ground Floor #1) of a playthrough that spanned the year of 2003. All the information was taken from TSR’s original AD&D adventure, the Temple of Elemental Evil.

temple of elemental evil areas of the week grand entrance
Grand Entrance

For the players: The bronze doors of the entry (23′ high, 20′ wide) are held fast by huge iron chains, and all cracks are sealed with soft iron. Graven upon these massive valves are runes. You note that the writing glows and seems to burn with silvery radiance, making your eyes teary.

For the DM: Make a Saving Throw vs. Spells for each character, applying a -2 penalty. A major casting of an antipathy spell has been made permanent upon the portal. Each creature within 10′ is affected unless the noted saving throw is successful. All who fail will shun the doors and will not look upon the runes. If all fail, take back the players’ rune sheet. Read the following description to those examining other areas.

For the players: Those of you not examining the main entry have noted that the vile stained glass windows of the place are intact. You can enter by breaking the main door, or you can check the smaller bronzewood doors around the corners to the east and west. (Bronzewood is a dense, very hard wood, tougher than oak.)

For the DM: Though these side doors are heavy and thick, both can be broken open. Each is locked and barred, but 50 points of damage effects entry. The windows are high and too narrow to permit passage to a man in armor. Each is barred and spiked with bronze.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

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