Recruitable NPCs – Temple of Elemental Evil

Here is a list of all the Temple of Elemental Evil recruitable NPCs, sorted by area location, then by alphabetical order. Feel free to use the “Contents” button to quickly navigate to an area for faster searching.

The Village of Hommlet

Name: Burne

Class: Wizard

Level: 8th

Location: Guard Tower, #28 on the Hommlet map

Notes: will not join until you’ve found the Temple. Sells nice spells

Name: Cavanaugh

Class: Fighter

Level: 1st

Location: outside the Inn of the Welcome Wench in the day

Notes: you must first Intimidate him into paying his dues during the Zealotry quest. See the Zealotry quest for details

Name: Elmo

Class: Fighter

Level: 4th

Location: Inn of the Welcome Wench at night, Main Street in the day

Notes: brother to Otis the smithy in Nulb

Name: Fruella

Class: Fighter

Level: 3rd

Location: Holten & Fruella’s house, #25 on the Hommlet map

Notes: a male of your party must marry her, as part of a quest. Will not leave your party willingly

Name: Furnok

Class: Rogue

Level: 4th

Location: Inn of the Welcome Wench, downstairs

Notes: also has a part in the Innkeeper’s quest. Comes with a Ring of Invisibility and Dagger +1

Name: Kobort

Class: Barbarian

Level: 2nd

Location: Inn of the Welcome Wench, downstairs, next to Turuko

Notes: only joins with 4 or less in party, and only with Kobort. Also joins in the drinking contest at night

Name: Meleny

Class: Druid

Level: 1st

Location: Filliken’s house, #4 on the Hommlet map

Notes: must complete several quests in order to get her, and then marry her. Receive a Holy Longsword +1 for marrying her from Filliken. See the Flirting with Disaster quest for details.

Name: Rainol

Class: Fighter

Level: 1st

Location: Trading Post, #12 on the Hommlet map

Notes: must be hired from the traders, and has lousy stats

Name: Rufus

Class: Fighter

Level: 6th

Location: Guard Tower, #28 on the Hommlet map

Notes: will join after you discover the location of the Temple

Name: Spugnoir

Class: Wizard

Level: 2nd

Location: Inn of the Welcome Wench, downstairs

Notes: gives some locations on World Map, only loots scrolls

Name: Turuko

Class: Monk

Level: 3rd

Location: Inn of the Welcome Wench, downstairs, next to Kobort

Notes: only joins with 4 or less in party, and only with Kobort as a team

Name: Zert

Class: Fighter

Level: 2nd

Location: Inn of the Welcome Wench, upstairs, only at night

Notes: Zert has a tendency to turn on your party at the most inopportune times. The original module states that Zert is a traitor… however, with everyone else attacking at the same time he does, you might do well to avoid him.

The Ruins of the Moathouse Dungeon

Name: Lareth the Beautiful

Class: Cleric (of Lloth)

Level: 5th

Location: Moathouse Dungeon, #14 on the dungeon map

Notes: Lareth is the master of the moathouse dungeon. Will mark the Temple on your world map, and turn on you once you reach it.

The Village of Nulb

Name: Bertram

Class: Fighter

Level: 1st

Location: on the walkway, at #10 on the Nulb map

Notes: what to say, he’s as straight as they come. Related to the A Pirate’s Life quest, you can buy or fight for his freedom at the Boatmens’ Tavern in Nulb. Talk to him using a male character. See the A Pirate’s Life quest for details

Name: Otis

Class: Fighter

Level: 10th

Location: the Smithy, at #7 on the Nulb map

Notes: a useful merchant of masterwork items, and capable fighter. Will leave your party if you return to Nulb from the Temple. Will rejoin again, but will leave permanently the next time.

Name: Serena

Class: Rogue

Level: 3rd

Location: behind Mona in front of the brothel, at #4 on the Nulb map

Notes: you’ll first have to buy her freedom from Mona the gypsy. See the Gypsy Road quest for details

The Temple – Dungeon Level 1

Name: Morgan

Class: Fighter

Level: 2nd

Location: a prisoner at #5 on the Dungeon Level 1 map. See #5 for details

Notes: you’ll need a “knock” spell to open the door guarding him. Talks like a blimy pirate

Name: Pitak

Class: Fighter

Level: 2nd

Location: a prisoner at #16 on the Dungeon Level 1 map. See #16 for details

Notes: joins with Tuelk next to him as a team. He’s an orc

Name: Tuelk

Class: Fighter

Level: 2nd

Location: a prisoner at #16 on the Dungeon Level 1 map. See #16 for details

Notes: joins with Pitak next to him as a tem. He’s an orc

Name: Wonnilon

Class: Fighter/Rogue

Level: 6th multiclass

Location: being held prisoner, in the cell at #17 on the Dungeon Level 1 map. See #17 for details

Notes: is related to two mini-quests within the temple

The Temple – Dungeon Level 2

Name: Oohlgrist

Class: Fighter

Level: ??

Location: in the middle of the most southern part at #16 on the Dungeon Level 2 map

Notes: related to both Water Temple and Fire Temple quests. See #10 and #19 for details. You can only Intimidate him into your party. Multiple attempts at Intimidate will result in him taking less loot, down to 1/4th

The Temple – Dungeon Level 3

Name: Prince Thrommel

Class: Fighter

Level: 10th

Location: in a secret room at #32 on the Dungeon Level 3 map

Notes: will join your party while you remain in the temple. When you leave, he leaves, but will offer a reward. See #32 on the Dungeon Level 3 map for details. Holds the most powerful weapon in the game, Fragarach.

Name: Scorpp

Class: Fighter

Level: 7th

Location: at #12 on the Dungeon Level 3 map

Notes: a hill giant. Extremely powerful with 30 Strength. Might take away some challenge from the game. Related to Wonnilon’s quest at Dungeon Level 2, #17, and Hedrack’s quest at Dungeon Level 4, #14. Must fight him before he joins you

The Temple – Dungeon Level 4

Name: Kella

Class: Druid

Level: ??

Location: at #8 on the Dungeon Level 4 map

Notes: wildshaped into a hill giant, she’s a druid looking for another druid or a party of true neutral alignment to join

Name: Paida

Class: Fighter

Level: 1st

Location: at #5 on the Dungeon Level 4 map

Notes: one of Hedrack’s concubines. You must use a dispel magic spell on her to release her. She’s part of Valden’s Rescue Paida quest in Hommlet. See The Rescue of Paida quest for details.

Earth Elemental Node

Name: Jaer

Class: Rogue

Level: 1st

Location: at #7 on the Earth Elemental Node map

Notes: a weaver from Nulb. Throws a special kind of low-level fire splash grenade as his attack. There’s a pre-patch crash bug in that if you travel on the world map with Jaer in your party, the game locks up

Name: Sargen

Class: Wizard

Level: 5th

Location: at #9 on the Earth Elemental Node map

Notes: he’s crazy. He’s got zero spells. Offers gold for his return to civilization. See #9 for details

Air Elemental Node

Name: Ashrem

Class: Cleric

Level: 6th

Location: at #10 on the Air Elemental Node map

Notes: the brother of Alrrem, High Priest of the Fire Temple. Seeks revenge

Name: Taki

Class: Fighter

Level: 7th

Location: at #3 on the Air Elemental Node map

Notes: has merely 44hp. Must be rolling legit 😉

Fire Elemental Node

Name: Darley

Class: Sorceress

Level: 10th

Location: at #9 on the Fire Elemental Node map

Notes: she has a secret, and a lot of hit points for a sorceress. See #9 for details

Random Encounters on the World Map

Name: Zaxis

Class: Bard

Level: 5th

Location: a random encounter on the World Map

Notes: searching for his sister, a half-elven wizard named Ima 

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

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