TK4 Riot Shotgun “Riot Gun”

tk4 riot shotgun riot gun

TK4 Riot Shotgun “Riot Gun”

Game: The Callisto Protocol

A two-handed shotgun designed for riot suppression. Developed by Jann & Loball and based on the UJC Modular Weapons Platform.
Weapon Type: Primary
Ammo Capacity: 4 (8 with Upgrades)
Damage: High (Very High with Upgrades)
Stability: High (Maximum with Upgrades)
Ammo: Riot Gun Ammo

Where to Find the Riot Gun

About halfway through the Chapter 5: Lost, Dani will hand you the Riot Gun after you reunite with her and clear out a group of enemies. It cannot be missed.

Riot Gun Upgrades

NameUpgrade Descriptionâ €Creditsâ €
Stability UpgradeReconfigures print with the addition of a foregrip to reduce weapon recoil.
300 callisto protocol credits icon
Magnum Rounds Damage UpgradeReconfigures print with the additional of a foregrip to reduce weapon recoil.
300 callisto protocol credits icon
High Capacity Magazine UpgradeAlters the magazine well to accept high capacity magazines.
900 callisto protocol credits icon
Explosives Rounds UpgradeUpgrades the weapon’s projectiles, which explodes shortly after impact. Deals extra damage to anything within the blast radius.2700 callisto protocol credits icon
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