UJC Special Ops “Assault Rifle”

ujc special ops assault rifle

UJC Special Ops “Assault Rifle”

Game: The Callisto Protocol

A three round-burst automatic rifle assigned only to the elite black iron squad nine. Based on the UJC Modular Weapons Platform.
Weapon Type: Primary
Ammo Capacity: 25 (? with Upgrades)
Damage: Very Low (Low with Upgrades)
Stability: Medium (Max with Upgrades)
Ammo: Assault Rifle Ammo

Where to Find the Assault Rifle

Early on into Chapter 7: Colony, you will enter into the lowest level of the colony. Go up a ladder to “Midtown”, then cross a bridge and go through the building labeled “General Store”. The Assault Rifle schematics will be on a counter in the building to the left of the exit to this one. It will be automatically made buyable at the next Reforge station you visit, costing 1000 Credits.

Assault Rifle Upgrades

NameUpgrade Descriptionâ €Creditsâ €
High Capacity Magazine UpgradeAlters the magazine well to accept high-capacity magazines.
? callisto protocol credits icon
Magnum Rounds Damage UpgradeIncreases the damage potential of the weapon by adding extra propellant to all ammunition.
1500 callisto protocol credits icon
Stability UpgradeReconfigures print with the addition of a foregrip to reduce weapon recoil.
4500 callisto protocol credits icon
TK63 “Homing Rounds”Adds alt-fire module with that fires smart ammunition. Fired rounds maneuver themselves in-flight to hit moving targets.4500 callisto protocol credits icon
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