The Callisto Protocol Patch 5.02 Adds Auto-Play for Audio Logs

With the Final Transmission DLC live on all platforms, developers decided to throw in one more feature to reduce distractions and keep you immersed in the story: by popular request, auto-play functionality for audio logs is now added with Patch 5.02!

Though, then devs discovered that they will also need to move some corpses around to avoid the audio overlapping due to the feature, so that’s what today’s patch is all about; feel free to take a peek yourself in the full patch notes:

Patch 5.02 Notes

Auto-Play Audio Logs

Added in auto-play functionality for audio logs based on player feedback. In order to maintain The Callisto Protocol’s narrative structure and avoid over-lapping audio, some of the in-game audio log locations were moved. Full list below;


  • Moved one log pickup to the end of the hallway before the medical room, after the beta path door
  • Moved one log pickup inside the cafeteria section


  • Moved one corpse harvest/pickup to the corner of the red room


  • Moved one log pickup back to its original location in the upper corner of a room onto a box with a valve wheel


  • Moved one corpse harvest/pickup to the far corner of the garage


  • Moved one log pickup to the left of the moving platform exit


  • Moved one corpse harvest/pickup to the top of a ladder before the shimmy
  • Moved one log pickup closer to a REFORGE station


  • Moved one log pickup to be inside a prison cell
  • Moved one log pickup to be inside a Biophage infested hallway
  • Moved one log pickup onto a table by a cherry tree

Sourced from the official patch notes

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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