The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Interview

GameDaily BIZ has published a short interview with Bethesda’s Pete Hines about the massive success they’ve experienced with The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The interview is in article format and reads something like this:

“Certainly I think the graphics grabbed a lot of people’s attention, including folks that maybe weren’t into RPGs or the previous Elder Scrolls games,” said Hines when asked about the graphical “wow” factor. “They see something that looks really good and they stop to see what it is and find out more. But ultimately the thing that reviewers and gamers alike have latched onto and pointed out numerous times is how fun the game is…how big it is…how different it is…how two people can play the same game for so long and do completely different things the whole time. Graphics may get folks to give it a look, but if it isn’t fun, they’ll go elsewhere. So I think the most satisfying ‘wow’ has been the ‘wow, this game is really fun.'”

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