The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Blog Update

In a brief new blog entry on the official The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing website, we learn about some of the content and features senior programmer “Robi” is currently contributing to on the cooperative action RPG.  Sounds like he has his hands full:

Robi has helped a lot with the development of our in-house editor, by writing plenty of different tools. The most important tool might be the so-called MapConfigurator, which is responsible for placing and configuring the objects in the game (enemies, NPC-s, boxes). He didn’t code the basics of the tool though, but improved it with a lot of useful functions.

Another important tool is the SoldierPropertyEditor, which sets the properties of the monsters. This tool is used to configure the appearance of the monsters (size, animation, model type), their battle traits (offense, defense, resistances), AI settings (attitude) and movement (moving speed, rotation speed, special moves).

Robi created the objects that we use in the game, so it is his responsibility to deal with the appearance and the functionality of everything that you will be interacting with in the game world, when you destroy chests, interact with NPCs, open doors and switch between levels.

The functionality of the quests is his responsibility as well, mostly coding the conditions required to accomplish these tasks or writing special scripts and developing the quest interfaces.

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