WitcherCon And What To Expect

WitcherCon is, as it says, all about the Witcher and anything that involves it. You’ll be able to watch WitcherCon live on their YouTube channel or CD Projekt Red’s Twitch, starting July 9th at 10 am PST/1 pm EST and July 10th, 6 pm PST/ 9 pm EST if you missed the first airing. Typically, they have had panels where fans can ask questions to the developers, voice actors, and others involved in creating the Witcher series. It’s also when they announce any upcoming game releases and any DLC’s for the franchise. 

WitcherCon Agenda Banner

Unfortunately, Cd Projekt Red has already stated that no new games will be announced at the Con, but the schedule still looks promising. Each stream will have “some” exclusive content, even though the docket appears identical. Usually, during Cons, they will make additions not appearing on the itinerary to fill the gaps between main features.

The Witcher 3 - Geralt

Cd Projekt Red has a large chunk of time dedicated to the Witcher outside of the gaming sphere, focusing on the Netflix adaptation since the show has renewed for a third season. Never fear though, gamers, it appears a big Gwent showcase will be happening during the Con! If you aren’t familiar with Gwent, it’s a strategic minigame within the Witcher game itself and reached such popularity that it spawned its own spin-off standalone game.

The Witcher 3 - Geralt

Whether you’re a fan of the entire franchise or just the games or shows, WitcherCon is a must-see for all. We don’t know for certain what goodies and surprises they have in store for us, but we do know that CD Projekt Red always puts on an entertaining and professional show.

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My earliest memories of gaming started at an early age, playing my Atari 2600 so much in one sitting that it caught fire. Gaming has been my passion since that fateful day and will continue to be a driving force in my life. There aren't many types of games that I won't play, except for the TMNT NES. I still have PTSD from that water level as a child.

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