
Runic Games Newsletter #1

Earlier this week, Runic Games sent out their “inaugural” newsletter with some last minute information about Torchlight’s launch and links to recent videos and screenshots. The bit at the end about their audio recording makes for good comedy: People tend…

Torchlight Reviews

Runic Games’ new action RPG offering seems to be drumming up a lot of excitement, with two more enthusiastic reviews reaching the web earlier this evening. First in line is GameSpot with a score of 8.0/10: Along with being one…

Torchlight Launch Trailer

We apparently missed a new trailer that Runic Games uploaded to YouTube yesterday in celebration of Torchlight’s release. The two-and-a-half minute video offers some choice review quotes on top of some new gameplay footage and artwork.

Torchlight Released, Demo Available

I’ve been waiting for Runic Games to make some sort of official announcement all day long, but it doesn’t appear that we’re going to get one.  So just in case you haven’t been following my recent posts about the game,…

Torchlight Reviews

There are only two hours to go before Torchlight is released unto the world, and the latest four reviews signal an optimistic future for the little action RPG. The Escapist avoids a score: Torchlight absolutely nails the formula that made Diablo…

Torchlight Soundtrack Review

The audiophiles over at Original Sound Version have put together a glowing review of Torchlight’s soundtrack, which you may recall was scored by Diablo/World of Warcraft veteran Matt Uelmen. Matt Uelmen has been gone for far too long, and it’s…

Torchlight Gameplay Videos

Setting aside their Diablo III coverage for a moment, Diablo3x has rounded up eight separate YouTube videos showing off over twenty minutes of in-game footage from Runic Games’ Torchlight.

Into the Depths of Torchlight

Hellforge has conjured up an editorial called “Into the Depths of Torchlight”, which turns out to be somewhere between a preview and a review for Runic Games’ action RPG. As I contemplated the possibilities and paused to make a note…

Torchlight Review

The editors over at WarCry have stepped up with their own review of Torchlight, and although they don’t award an overall score, it’s obvious that they thoroughly enjoyed Runic’s action RPG. Torchlight is a LOT of fun for those who…

Torchlight Review

Following closely behind, the folks at Torchlight Insider have also come up with a glowing review of Runic Games’ hack ‘n slasher. Their final score is a 9.5/10, with this conclusion: Overall, the game is simply amazing. If you enjoy…