Valheim Patch v0.213.4 Now Live

Roughly a month ago, we got this development update for Iron Gate’s Valheim outlining the studio’s plans for the foreseeable future, where populating the game’s volcanic Ashlands biome was the main lofty goal. We were also told to expect some smaller updates in the meantime, which now leads us to this new early access patch.

Its main areas of improvement are twofold – rebalancing some of the stuff introduced by the Mistlands update and making fishing more enjoyable. As a result, we get plenty of tweaks and fixes, a new way to use the ballista, and a fishing hat.

Here are the patch notes:

Time for another patch, and it’s a chunky one! This patch should fix a lot of various bugs and issues, and we hope there’s something in here for everyone. For example, the ballista now has two modes: one where it will still shoot at anything in its range, but also a new mode where you set a specific target by presenting it with a trophy of your choice.

We have also added two new items for you! One is a buildable version of the hexagonal gate you have seen at the various Dvergr strongholds in the Mistlands, and the other is a very stylish hat for all you master fishers out there. You may be in Valheim to prove your worth to Odin, but sometimes you simply have to prove yourself worthy of a cool hat as well.

Abbreviated Patch Notes:

New Content:

  • New build piece: Hexagonal gate
  • New item: Fishing hat

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Players can now “use” a trophy on ballistas to limit what it will shoot at
  • Balance tweaks to various Mistlands enemies
  • Mist torches are no longer a primary target for enemies
  • Fixes to Mistlands dungeons and boss room entrances
  • Various other bug fixes
  • Various fishing fixes
  • Various networking fixes

Detailed Patch Notes:

New Content:

  • New build piece: Hexagonal gate
  • New item: Fishing hat (needs a super secret recipe)

Balance & Tweaks:

  • Players can now “use” a trophy on ballistas to limit what it will shoot at
  • Seeker circling tweaks (They should now feel a bit more aggressive again)
  • Gjall spit attack tweaks (They now shoot 2 projectiles again, but the burst interval is increased. Should now be more visible and somewhat easier to avoid instead. More fire damage, less blunt damage)
  • Added post-Queen nightspawns of Seekers, Broods and Ticks in Meadows, Black Forest, Mountain and Plains biomes
  • Mistlands boss now tries to flee if unable to reach the player
  • Mobs inside Mistlands Dungeons can now respawn
  • Royal jelly piles inside Mistlands Dungeons are now respawning (Added hanging Royal Jelly piles as an indicator in big dungeon rooms)
  • Wolves can now eat Chicken meat (Yum!)
  • Mist torches are no longer a primary target for enemies
  • Tweaked portal size to Mistlands boss room (The entrance “box” was a bit too big. Players should no longer be able to mine the top of the entrance and be able to press “E” to enter through the wall/stones)
  • Tweaked portal size on Mistlands dungeon exits (The exit “box” was a bit too big. Players should no longer be able to exit the dungeon while being on the floor right above the entrance)
  • Eitr regen is no longer affected by swimming or when encumbered
  • Ymir Flesh is now purchasable from Haldor after Elder is dead, instead of after Bonemass
  • Health and resistance tweaks on some Dvergr pieces
  • Ballista ammo capacity increased from 20 to 40

Bug fixes:

  • Obliterator now converts Mistlands trophies/wood/arrows/bolts properly
  • Mistlands biome music no longer stops playing if players use the dev command “env Clear” while being in Mistlands
  • Carapace bolt collider fixed (The offset was a bit off previously when you tried to pick ‘em up)
  • Depth of Field fix (Stars in the sky no longer blurry)
  • Using the console command ‘save’ will now also save your local character file when playing on a multiplayer server
  • Cleaned up unused locations and dungeon rooms to lower RAM usage
  • Fixed a bug where players could craft an infinite amount of Raw fish
  • Hens now lay eggs closer to their bodies
  • Hens should no longer change colour
  • Skeleton spawners can now spawn skeletons again even if there are summoned friendly skeletons nearby
  • Troll trap and Dvergr stake wall no longer take rain damage
  • Periodic lag spike fix (Resource unloading will now run while sleeping or pausing afk for 5 seconds if it hasn’t been run for a 20 minutes, or when calling “cr” from console, or if none of those things, every 60 minutes)
  • Seeker flying sound no longer plays if it dies mid air
  • Marble column build pieces: Tweaked snap points (They were previously not 100% aligned with other build pieces)
  • Additional damage for Bolt descriptions are now based on Crossbow skill instead of Bow skill
  • JotunPuffs, Magecap and a number of other pickables no longer leave invisible dead objects in the world when they are picked, and old dead objects are cleared when loaded in to increase performance and decrease save-file size.
  • Pickable DvergrStein no longer fall through objects

Fishing tweaks & fixes:

  • New item: Fishing hat
  • Fish no longer despawn when far away
  • Fish found in Ice Caves now respawn correctly
  • Higher tier fish now give slightly more Raw fish and there’s now a small chance for fish to give players some extra materials when they are successfully reeled in
  • Fishing bait is now returned if pulled in without fish or when recasting
  • Fishing bait recipes now take basic fishing bait instead of previous biome fish
  • Fishing bait recipes, and the fishing bait sold from Haldor is now 20 instead of 40 (This change was made due to the fishing bait return change mentioned above)
  • Fish will now try to escape when hooked. (Fish will wobble and splash in the water when they try to escape, which increases the stamina usage when pulling in. When they’re not trying to escape, the stamina usage for pulling in is reduced)
  • Tetra can now spawn at higher levels correctly
  • Tuna now only spawn in the Ocean biome
  • Higher-level fish only jump in the Ocean biome
  • Slightly increased skill gain when fishing

Networking fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where players received the “Fail to connect” message instead of “Server full” when trying to join a full PlayFab server
  • Fixed a bug where PlayFab accidentally signed in twice
  • Major improvements in how the game handles multiplayer sessions when going offline/disconnect. (It now tries more often to succeed with creating lobbies/relog compared to previously)
  • Added a pop-up message when players are trying to start a server when they’re not signed in correctly (i.e. being offline in some way)
  • Added support for non-crossplay PlayFab servers, and Xbox network users without the “Crossplay privilege” can only host and join non-crossplay supported servers
  • Added new server parameter that server owners can use if they want to run multiple dedicated servers using the same MAC-address in order to get unique PlayFab IDs for every server
  • Improved error handling of privilege manager
  • New “DNS Lookup failed” message when a server with an URL can’t be added to the server list due to DNS lookup failure
  • Improved performance and behaviour of local server lists
  • Fixed 2 soft lock cases that could happen when using PlayFab
  • Fixed a bug that paused matchmaking-timers when the game was paused


  • Reduce lighting flashes accessibility option added, reduces flashes for thunder, monster & player elemental effects, Galdr table, Obliterator and Portal
  • Raven hints can be toggled in settings (and console command removed)
  • New console commands added: catch (simulates catching a fish), printnetobj (lists number of network objects by name surrounding player) & cr (runs the periodic unloads unused assets routine manually and resets the timer)
  • Improvements made for the “Manage Saves” menu, should now be a lot less laggy to use
  • Localization updated
  • Yule items have now been disabled
  • Turnips can now be put on item stands
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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