Vampire: Bloodlines Q&A

The guys at Eye On Troika had the opportunity to conduct an interview with Troika’s Leonard Boyarsky about their upcoming Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. Check it out:

Q: It has been stated that everyone o­n the Greyhawk team is a fan of the Dungeons & Dragons system and they are all very familiar with its rules. Can the same thing be said about the Bloodlines team and the Vampire: The Masquerade system? What have you done to immerse yourself and the team in its rules and setting?

A: When we began this project, o­nly a few people o­n the team were what I’d call hardcore Vampire fans. But we all immersed ourselves in the books and started having meetings to talk over the finer points of the system/setting and how we’d bring it to the computer. We even tried a few PnP sessions, but the work load has been enormous o­n this project so that unfortunately got shelved rather quickly. I’d say as we get deeper and deeper into production more and more of us have become experts o­n the rules. Just last night we had a several hour meeting about the finer points of Thaumaturgy and how we’re going to implement it. I don’t think you can work o­n a project like this and NOT become a fan of the system/world you are working with.

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