The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Blog Update

In a brief new blog entry on the official The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing website, we learn about some of the content and features senior programmer “Robi” is currently contributing to on the cooperative action RPG.  Sounds like he…

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Blog Update

In a new entry to the official The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing blog, Neocore Games content designer Viktor Juhász tells us more about the town of Borgova and the “weird science” that powers its not-quite-steampunk setting. An excerpt: Firstly,…

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Interview

There’s an interview with Neocore Games community manager Orsolya Tóth up on ARPGamer this evening, with the primary focus of the Q&A being The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, their forthcoming co-op friendly action RPG.  A taste: ARPGamer: A unique…

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Feature List

As we don’t know a whole lot about the gameplay mechanics in Neocore Games’ The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing yet, this newly published feature list on the company’s blog helps fill in some of the gaps. We’re in for…

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Concept Art

A half dozen pieces of new concept art from Neocore Games’ The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing have made their way into our grasp, so we made sure to upload them to our image gallery for any action RPG fans…