A Favor for Radovid and Redania’s Most Wanted – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest a favor for radovid and redanias most wanted map

1 – Diagram for Feline Silver Sword
2 – Purple Barrier / Mosaic
3 – Chest
4 – Witch Hunter
5 – Power Cell
6 – Ifrit
7 – Sanctum


  1. Climbable rocks leading to the surface.
  2. First portal.
  3. Second portal.
  4. Third portal.
  5. Fourth portal.
  6. Fifth portal.


You’ll trigger the quest A Favor for Radovid when you leave Junior’s mansion at the end of the quest Get Junior.


When you leave the mansion, some soldiers will come up to you and escort you to Radovid’s ship (berthed at the Oxenfurt docks) so Radovid can collect on the favor you owe him. When you reach Radovid, he’ll order you to bring him the sorceress Philippa Eilhart — alive — and he’ll inform you that she can be found at Est Tayiar, which is located to the northeast of Oxenfurt. He’ll also reveal that he had Eilhart’s eyes gouged out once upon a time, and that she might not be anxious for a reunion. This conversation will earn you 50 xp. It will also transition the quest from A Favor for Radovid to Redania’s Most Wanted.

When you arrive at Est Tayiar, you’ll find some witch hunters clustered around a hole in the ground, and you’ll discover that there’s a purple barrier underground blocking access to most of the ruins. Luckily, when you talk to the witch hunters, they’ll tell you that they recently found the Key to Philippa Eilhart’s Hideout, and they’ll give it to you. Then when you use the key with the mosaic next to the barrier (#2), the barrier will disappear. If you can’t find the mosaic, then turning on your witcher senses will cause it to glow red, making it easy to spot. Removing the barrier will earn you 50 xp.

Note: Behind a breakable wall near the entrance to the cave system, you can also find the diagram for Feline Silver Sword (#1).

As you explore the ruins, you’ll have to go through four portals. Most of them will require a Power Cell so you can activate them. The portals are described below:

  • First portal (Exit B). This portal will start out activated. You’ll just need to step through it.
  • Second portal (Exit C). The Power Cell for this portal will be in place but off. You’ll just need to use Aard on it to turn it on and activate the portal.
  • Third portal (Exit D). A nearby witch hunter will have the Power Cell for this portal (#4). To get it from him, you’ll either need to use Axii / Delusion on him, or you’ll need to beat him in a fistfight.
  • Fourth portal (Exit E). You’ll find the Power Cell for this portal on the ground nearby, guarded by a handful of nekkers (#5).
  • Fifth portal (Exit F). The Power Cell for this portal will already be in place.

When you go through the fourth portal (Exit E), you’ll earn 70 xp, and you’ll find yourself in a large chamber on the lowest level of the ruins. When you head to the eastern side of the chamber, you’ll encounter a fire elemental / ifrit (#6), so be sure to have to Elementa Oil ready.

Past the ifrit, you’ll discover Philippa’s ransacked inner sanctum (#7). When you explore the area, you’ll find an Agate and a Polished Crystal, and you’ll see evidence that somebody was operated on. You’ll also find a destroyed megascope, which sorceresses use for communication and teleportation. But you won’t find Philippa.

With the ruins explored, you’ll need to return to the surface. The easiest way to get there is to activate the final portal (Exit F), which will take you to the first part of the ruins, close to the exit to the surface (Exit A). Or you can just return the way you came. However, when you reach the exit, some witch hunters will stop you and demand the Polished Crystal. If you refuse to give it to them, then you’ll have to fight them.

At this point, although the quest objective won’t give you a hint, you’ll have to decide what to do with the Polished Crystal. You’ll have four choices:

  • You can give the crystal to Triss (in Novigrad) or Yennefer (in Skellige). The sorceress you pick will use the crystal and show you a vision of Philippa, who will talk about re-growing her eyes and reforming the League of Sorceresses.

    Note: You won’t be able to talk to Yennefer about the crystal until after completing the quest The Last Wish.

    Another Note: If you’ve already started the quest A Matter of Life and Death for Triss, then you won’t be able to talk to her about the crystal at all.
  • You can give the crystal to Radovid. He’ll pay you 135 crowns for it.
  • You can keep the crystal for yourself, but you won’t be able to do anything with it.

Regardless of your choice, you’ll have to return to Radovid to complete the quest. To re-board his ship, you’ll have to talk to the Redanian soldier on the dock next to it. Depending on what you did with the crystal, you’ll get a few options for what you can say to Radovid. None of these responses will change anything in the game, so just choose the ones you like the best. But note: talking to Radovid will complete the quest and cause the crystal to disappear, so you’ll have to decide its fate before returning to Radovid. Completing the quest will earn you 50 xp.

1 – Diagram for Feline Silver Sword

2 – Purple Barrier / Mosaic

3 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find a Letter to Philippa, which will indicate that Philippa and Sigi Reuven / Dijkstra know each other.

4 – Witch Hunter

5 – Power Cell

6 – Ifrit

7 – Sanctum


  1. Climbable rocks leading to the surface.
  2. First portal.
  3. Second portal.
  4. Third portal.
  5. Fourth portal.
  6. Fifth portal.
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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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