A Matter of Life and Death – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest a matter of life and death map

1 – Triss’ Apartment
2 – Fish Market
3 – Ambush
4 – Elihal’s Shop
5 – Drunkard
6 – Moritz
7 – Gwent Players / Voorhis
8 – Mary Louisa la Valette
9 – Lady Vegelbud
10 – Albert
11 – Garden
12 – Hedge Maze
13 – Stables


You’ll trigger this quest at the end of the main quest Count Reuven’s Treasure.

Note: Completing this quest might make Triss unavailable for several side quests, so it’s a good idea to put it off until you’ve completed everythng else in Novigrad.


For this quest you’ll need to meet with Triss in her apartment (#1). She’ll tell you that she recently received a message from Lady Vegelbud informing her that Vegelbud would like to donate some money to help mages escape from Novigrad. The only problem is that Vegelbud would like Triss to perform a favor for her in return, and that to learn what that favor is, Triss will need to meet with Vegelbud’s servant at the fish market. Fearing a trap, Triss will ask you to check out the servant for her and make sure that he isn’t working for the witch hunters.

You’ll find the servant at the fish market (#2). He’ll be wearing a blue tunic with keys attached to his belt, and he’ll be near the bridge. When you ask him about trout, he’ll lead you across the bridge to the south, where the two of you will get ambushed by bandits working for the witch hunters (#3).

After defeating the bandits, you’ll learn from the servant that Vegelbud’s son Albert has started dabbling in alchemy, and that Vegelbud wants to get him far away from Novigrad. The servant will then reveal Vegelbud’s plan — that she’s planning on holding a grand masquerade ball, which will hopefully distract the witch hunters while you’re spiriting Albert away to safety.

Of course, in order for you to attend the ball, you’ll need to buy some masks. You can do this at Elihal’s shop (#4). You’ll need to buy Triss’ Fox Mask for Triss and one of the other three masks for yourself. Optionally, you can also buy yourself some fancy new clothing — a doublet, trousers and shoes. If you still have your getup from meeting with the emperor during the quest Imperial Audience, then you can use that. You’ll also find fancy clothes in Irina’s dressing room during the quest The Play’s the Thing.

When you return to Triss, she’ll be all dressed up for the ball. If you’re wearing your fancy clothes, then you’ll earn 25 xp, and you’ll make Triss happy. But either way, you’ll automatically travel to the Vegelbud residence, where you’ll be admitted to the ball minus your weapons.

The first thing you’ll need to do at the ball is talk to Lady Vegelbud. She’ll be wearing a parrot mask. However, on your way to her, you might run into a few people:

  • Drunken partygoer (#5). He’ll mistake Triss for an escort named Vivian, and he’ll repeatedly insult her — and you. If you want, you can box the drunkard, or you can stay discrete and ignore him. Choosing the latter option will earn you 25 xp.
  • Moritz Diefenthel (#6). Triss will recognize him and offer to get him out of Novigrad, too, but he won’t be interested.
  • Morvran Voorhis (#7).
  • Mary Louisa la Valette (#8).

You might also notice several people playing gwent (#7). Talk to the croupier nearby to get involved. If you beat the three available opponents, then you’ll win the unique cards Milva (Ranged 10, Morale), Vampire: Bruxa (Close Combat 4, Muster), and Dandelion (Close Combat 2, Commander’s Horn).

When you reach Lady Vegelbud (#9), she’ll inform you that Albert is excited about the trip, and that he’s wearing a panther mask. When you talk to Albert (#10), he’ll give you a few more details about his mother’s plan: that when the fireworks start up, he’ll meet you in the hedge maze, and that you’ll proceed from there. While you’re waiting, Triss will suggest that you go to the garden.

When you sit on the bench in the garden (#11), you’ll learn a little more about Moritz, and Triss will get drunk from one glass of wine. Triss will then run off into the hedge maze (#12) and challenge you to find her. Between the mini-map and the quest marker (if you have this quest active), the hunt shouldn’t be too difficult.

When you catch up to Triss, you’ll get an opportunity to kiss her, and then the fireworks will start, literally if not figuratively. Albert will show up right on cue, and he’ll tell you that horses are saddled in the stables. You and Albert will then switch masks, and Albert and Triss will head for the stables while you wait for a bit and then follow behind.

While you’re making your way back through the hedge maze, you’ll be confronted by three witch hunters, and you’ll have to defeat them using only your fists and your signs. When the hunters go down, you’ll earn 50 xp. Then when you reach the stables (#13), you’ll get your weapons back, and Triss and Albert will embark on their journey. This will complete the quest, earning you 50 xp.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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