Pyres of Novigrad – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Velen. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest pyres of novigrad map

1 – Triss’ House
2 – Hierarch Square
3 – Putrid Grove Entrance
4 – King of Beggars / Triss
5 – Kluhg’s House
6 – Leather Sack
7 – Warehouse


Your goal while you’re in Novigrad is to search for information about Ciri. To that end, you should visit your old flame Triss Merigold at her house (#1) to see what she knows. However, when you get there, you’ll find two thieves rummaging through her belongings, and you’ll learn that she’s fled to the Putrid Grove to avoid the Temple Guard, which has started “cleansing” the city of magic users and non-humans.

When you ask the thieves about the Putrid Grove, they’ll tell you that it’s a place where “freaks and oddities” live. They’ll then recommend that you question beggars or discretely follow thieves to learn where the entrance is. But before you can learn more, Caleb Menge and the Temple Guard will show up and encourage you to take your “taint” elsewhere.

You’ll find thieves and beggars around Hierarch Square (#2). If you question the beggars, then the first two won’t tell you anything, even if you pay them, but the third will divulge exactly where the entrance to the grove is, and he’ll even inform you that passphrase is “the old sow’s farrowed piglets.” If you follow a thief, then he’ll lead you along a winding path, he’ll make an exchange with a second thief, and the second thief will lead you to the grove. However, you won’t learn the passphrase this way.

When you reach the entrance to the Putrid Grove (#3), the man at the gate will ask you for the passphrase. If you don’t know it, then you’ll either have to pay him 50 crowns, or you’ll have to use Axii / Delusion on him. If you have to pay, then the man will collect your weapons before you enter, and you’ll have to get them back when you leave. But regardless, you’ll earn 100 xp when you enter the grove.

When you meet the King of Beggars (#4), he’ll have Triss with him. After some words with the King — during which he’ll go on at some length about his vision for the city — Triss will invite you to do some chores with her, and she’ll head out of the Putrid Grove. Almost right away you’ll learn that she hasn’t seen or heard anything about Ciri.

Your first stop with Triss will take you to the residence of Kluhg, a purveyor of magical ingredients (#5). However, he’ll reveal that he had to toss Triss’ shipment into the river when he saw some Temple Guards approaching, and that he wasn’t able to re-acquire it. You’ll volunteer (or Triss will volunteer you) to dive in and get it.

To reach the shipment, you’ll have to exit Kluhg’s house via the basement. Triss will travel with you. Inside the basement, you’ll get attacked by a drowner, but you’ll find some treasure chests to loot. To leave the basement, you’ll have to push the loose brick on the column on the northern side. That will open up the secret exit.

When you exit the basement, you’ll find yourself conveniently right next to the river, not far from the Leather Sack containing Triss’ shipment (#6). You’ll have to dive in and get the sack and then hand it over to Triss, who will wait for you on the riverbank.

Next up, Triss will lead you to Brandon standing in front of a granary warehouse (#7), and you’ll learn that Brandon hired Triss to deal with a rat problem. If you want, you can demand half or all of Brandon’s payment up front. It won’t really make any difference because Brandon will pay Triss, not you.

Inside the warehouse, Triss will give you three Magic Incenses, and she’ll ask you to place them next to any crevices that the rats are using. You’ll find three crevices, two on the northern side and one on the eastern side. Once you place the incenses, talking to Triss again will cause her to cast her spell and drive off the rats.

With the rats gone, Brandon will enter the warehouse — along with a trio of level 10 witch hunters — and you’ll understand why he didn’t care what his payment to Triss was. The witch hunters will attack you and Triss, and they probably won’t last long before you kill them. Brandon will then agree to double his payment to Triss, and he’ll scamper away.

With the job done, Triss will think of someone who might know more about Ciri — an oneiromancer named Corinne Tilly. Learning this information will earn you 200 xp and complete the quest.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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