Father Knows Worst – Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 blood and wine quest father knows worst map

1 – Beauclair Notice Board
2 – Kikimores
3 – Hugo
4 – Hot Spring
5 – Corpse
P – Place of Power


  1. Cave entrance.


You’ll trigger this quest by reading the note “Armed Escort Wanted” on the notice board in Beauclair (#1).


The note will inform you that three brothers — Auguste, Lucien and Hugo Monnart — are looking for an armed escort so they can explore a cave. You’ll run into Auguste and Lucien when you approach the cave (Exit A). They’ll tell you that they encountered monsters inside, but that Hugo fled the wrong way and still hasn’t made it out. So they’ll ask you to rescue him.

Inside the cave, you’ll encounter some level 36 kikimore workers and warriors (#2). After defeating them, when you turn on your witcher senses, you’ll spot a bloody sword plus bloody tracks leading south. If you follow the tracks, then they’ll take you right to Hugo.

When you talk to Hugo (#3), he’ll give you a different version of events. He’ll tell you that his father Victor split up his famous still into three pieces — one piece for each brother — but that Auguste and Lucien turned against him when they learned that his piece was inside the cave, and that he was fleeing from them rather than the kikimores. He’ll then ask you to locate his piece.

You’ll find Hugo’s Still Filter in the hot spring to the south (#4). If you jump in without protection, then you’ll take damage for as long as you’re in the water. To protect yourself, you should use the Quen sign. It’ll shield you for a while, which will give you time to dive down to the filter, grab it, and get back out.

When you deliver the filter to Hugo, you’ll earn 100 crowns and 150 xp. However, when the two of you prepare to exit the cave, you’ll see Auguste and Lucien outside — with some armed men. Hugo will worry that his brothers have hired mercenaries to finish him off. You’ll have two ways to respond:

  • If you say, “Yeah, I’ll make sure you’re not hurt,” then you’ll attack the brothers and the mercenaries, and after the battle you’ll earn 150 xp.
  • If you say, “No one dies today,” then you’ll talk to the brothers, and you’ll learn that they found a hunter’s camp nearby and were preparing to come in and rescue you. For this case, you’ll earn your negotiated fee with the brothers, plus 150 xp.

Note: If you track down Hugo’s Still Filter after (but not before) he asks you to find it, then you’ll earn the Honor virtue for the quest There Can Be Only One. If you resolve the quest without fighting the brothers, then you’ll earn the Wisdom virtue.

1 – Beauclair Notice Board

2 – Kikimores

3 – Hugo

4 – Hot Spring

5 – Corpse

You’ll find the corpse of Martina Crisca here. She’ll be in possession of some crafting supplies and around 100 crowns, plus a Letter to Martina Crisca. If you read the letter, then you’ll discover that Martina was the one who hid the still pieces for Victor Monnart.

P – Place of Power


  1. Cave entrance.
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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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