Of Dairy and Darkness – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest of dairy and darkness map

1 – Merchant
2 – Aeramas’ Abandoned Manor
3 – Raised Pathway
4 – Bull Figurine
5 – Illusionary Wall
6 – Platform
7 – Pyramids


  1. Entrance portal. You’ll need the Lizard Figurine to activate this portal.
  2. Portal. You’ll need the Lizard Figurine to activate this portal.
  3. Portal. You’ll need the Bull Figurine to activate this portal.
  4. Exit portal. You’ll need the Snake Figurine to activate this portal.


You’ll receive this quest from a merchant in Novigrad (#1).


The merchant will tell you that he has a “collection of wonders” from the now-deceased mage Aeramas, and that each item can act as a key. The item you’ll need for this quest is the Lizard Figurine, which will cost you around 40 crowns to purchase.

When you go to Aeramas’ Abandoned Manor (#2), you’ll find a pentagram on the floor. Interacting with the pentagram while having the Lizard Figurine in your possession will cause a portal to appear. Going through the portal will take you to a series of caverns (Exit A).

In the first cavern, you’ll need to avoid some stinky cheeses. If you get too close to them, then you’ll take breath damage and eventually health damage. So either move quickly through the cheese stench (represented by a green fog) or find non-stinky cheeses where you can regain your breath, and then climb up onto a raised pathway (#3). The pathway will take you to another portal (Exit B). You’ll earn 50 xp along the way. To activate the portal, you’ll just need to have the Lizard Figurine still.

In the second cavern, you’ll have to do some swimming, but eventually you’ll come to Aeramas’ lab. In the lab you’ll find a Bull Figurine (#4), which will allow you to unlock the next portal (Exit C). You’ll also find an illusionary wall (#5) that will lead you to some random loot. You’ll need The Eye of Nehaleni (gained during the quest Wandering in the Dark) to dispel the illusion. Going through the portal will earn you 50 xp.

In the third and final cavern, you’ll discover a platform blocked by a magical barrier (#6). To turn off the barrier, you’ll need to cast Igni on either of the two nearby pyramids (#7), one of which is located behind some illusionary rocks. On the platform, you’ll find a leveled version of the steel sword Emmentaler plus a Snake Figurine. Picking up the sword will complete the quest and earn you 75 xp. The Snake Figurine will allow you to unlock the exit portal (Exit D), which will take you back to Aeramas’ Abandoned Manor (#2).

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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