Practicum in Advanced Alchemy – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 on the Skellige Isles. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 quest practicum in advanced alchemy map

1 – Gremist’s Lab
2 – Blandare
3 – Pimpernel Plants
4 – Ramund / Succubus
5 – Succubus’ Cave
6 – Distillery


You can trigger this quest by talking to the herbalist in the hut northeast of Oxenfurt in Velen North. If you ask him about advanced alchemy formulae, then he’ll direct you to Master Gremist in Ard Skellig. You can also trigger this quest by running into Gremist directly.


You’ll meet Gremist in front of his lab in Ard Skellig (#1). When you ask him to teach you about alchemy, at first he’ll dismiss you, but then he’ll agree provided that you help him prepare for a ritual. You’ll need to do three things:

  • Convince the druid Fritjof to assist Gremist. You’ll find Fritjof on the western side of Blandare (#2). He’ll agree to your request provided that you help him with something first. He’ll tell you that he needs to cause it to rain in the village, but that he’ll need protection while casting the spell.

    While Fritjof is doing his thing, several level 23 foglets will appear, and you’ll need to kill them while protecting Fritjof from harm. Luckily, as long as you keep fighting them, the foglets will focus on you and ignore Fritjof, so keeping Fritjof safe should be easy. Afterwards, you’ll earn 80 xp, and Fritjof will head off to Gremist’s lab.
  • Acquire pimpernel petals from the Morskogen Forest (#3). To easily locate some pimpernel plants in the forest, you should turn on your witcher senses. That way, the plants will glow red. However, when you examine one of the plants, you’ll discover that its flowers have already been picked. You’ll then meet a druid who will tell you that he’s searching for a novice named Ramund, who was also sent out by Gremist to pick some petals, but who hasn’t been seen since. Since finding Ramund will likely also mean finding some petals, the two of you will decide to work together.

    When you turn on your witcher senses again, you’ll detect hoof prints leading south and east. If you follow them, then you’ll eventually come to Ramund and a succubus (#4). The druid you’re with will want to kill the succubus. If you agree, then the two of you will attack her, and after her death, you’ll detect the scent of flowers, which will lead you to her cave. If you disagree, then the druid will leave, and the succubus will take you to her cave. Inside the cave (#5), you’ll find a Pimpernel. Collecting it will earn you 80 xp.
  • Acquire a bottle of Skellige Spirit from the old distillery on Hail Hill (#6). When you approach the distillery, you’ll get attacked by three level 23 alghouls. Then when you go inside, you’ll get attacked by a level 21 cyclops. Once the area is clear of enemies, you should turn on your witcher senses and look around. You’ll find a Distiller’s Letter in the small sleeping quarters. It will give you the recipe for the spirit.

    To make Skellige Spirit, you’ll need to do three things:
    • You’ll need to place Mash into the evaporator. You’ll find a bag of Mash up the ladder just to the left of the evaporator. Then you’ll just need to open the evaporator to put the Mash inside.
      You’ll need to light a fire under the evaporator. You’ll find logs under the evaporator already. To light them, you can either use Igni on them or step close to them and use the “ignite” interaction.
      You’ll need to cool the condenser. You’ll find two levers to the right of the condenser. You should pull the right one first and then the left one.

    If you’ve done everything correctly, then Skellige Spirit will appear in the barrel right next to the condenser. When you pick it up, you’ll earn 80 xp.

When you return to Gremist’s lab (#1) after completing the three tasks, you’ll find Gremist and Fritjof inside. They’ll tell you that apprentices aren’t allowed to know anything about the ritual, so they’ll force you to wait outside for 24 hours. When you eventually return (perhaps after meditating the time away), you’ll discover the druids stinking drunk on the spirit you brought them. You’ll then receive your reward: Alcohest (x5), Han Fiber (x5), Saltpeter (x5), Sulfur (x5), and 80 xp. Gremist won’t actually teach you anything.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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