The Last Wish – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 on the Skellige Isles. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 quest the last wish map

1 – Larvik
2 – Underwater Cavern
3 – Sunken Longships
4 – Ingdalen Isle
5 – Var Ypsis’ Ship
6 – Kaer Trolde


You’ll trigger this quest at the end of the quest The Calm Before the Storm.


The first thing you’ll need to do for this quest is head to Larvik on Hindarsfjall in The Skellige Isles Northeast (#1). You’ll find Yennefer inside the inn there. When you talk to her, she’ll tell you that a djinn specialist named Amos var Ypsis was last seen in the area — on a boat just before a massive storm — and she’ll ask you to help her look for what became of him and his djinn.

When you agree to help, Yennefer will lead you to the Larvik docks, where she’ll get on board a boat and take the helm. To continue the quest, you’ll need to board the boat yourself and interact with the prow. Yennefer will then cast a spell on the boat that will reveal wrecks in the water below, and she’ll sail out into the bay.

At the first stop (#2), you’ll have to explore an underwater cavern. To help you out, Yennefer will cast a spell on you so you won’t have to worry about breathing while underwater. When you dive down to examine wreckage (found on the eastern side of the cavern), you’ll spot a Clan Drummond figurehead, and Yennefer will tell you that it’s the wrong ship. So you’ll have to return to her boat.

Note: To board a boat while you’re in the water, just swim right next to it and then jump to it.

At the second stop (#3), you’ll find some sunken longships. When you dive down to examine them, you’ll find a buckler, a skeleton, and a war horn belonging to Clan Heymaey, and you’ll decide that the longship is way too old to be the one you’re looking for.

At the third stop (#4), Yennefer will detect evidence of a teleportation spell, and when you dive down to examine the ship wreckage, you’ll find a Broken Seal. When you show this seal to Yennefer, she’ll teleport you to the other half, and you’ll find yourself next to a wrecked ship on a mountainside in Ard Skellig (#5). This will earn you 50 xp, and you’ll finally learn why Yennefer is chasing the djinn. Apparently at some point in the past, you wished that you and Yennefer would be bound together forever, and Yennefer wants to know if there’s really something between you or if it’s just the wish. So she needs the djinn so she can undo your wish.

When you search the wrecked ship, you’ll find the remains of var Ypsis in the ship’s hold, apparently crushed by a bookcase when the ship landed on the mountain. When you search his remains, you’ll find the other half of the Broken Seal, and Yennefer will invite you to return to the deck of the ship.

At the helm, Yennefer will repair the Broken Seal and summon the djinn. It won’t be happy to see you, and it’ll attack. You’ll then have to fight the djinn while Yennefer prepares a spell. The djinn is an elementa, so putting some Elementa Oil on your silver sword will help you in the fight. Then once you’ve done enough damage, Yennefer will gain control over the djinn, and she’ll offer to free it if it undoes your wish. The djinn will comply, and the magical connection between you and Yennefer will be broken.

After dealing with the djinn, you’ll have to make two decisions:

  • Yennefer will tell you that she still loves you, and you’ll have to decide if you still love her, too — or not. If you still love Yennefer, then you’ll have a nice, quiet moment with her on board the ship, and she’ll stay available as a romance option. But if not, then you’ll just remain friends.
  • Yennefer will then ask you to travel with her to Vizima to report in to Emperor Emhyr. Your answer to this request won’t change anything.

Regardless of your choices, you’ll end up in Yennefer’s room in Kaer Trolde (#6), and you’ll earn 50 xp.

Note: After completing the quest, you can give Yennefer the Crystal Skull you might have found at the start of the game (during the quest Lilac and Gooseberries). This will earn you 50 xp.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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