The Path of Warriors – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 on the Skellige Isles. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 quest the path of warriors map

1 – Urialla Harbor
2 – Gunnar
3 – Mountain Top / Place of Power / Path Token
4 – Gargoyles
5 – Path Token


  1. Cave entrance.
  2. One-way deadly drop into cave.
  3. Cave exit.


While you’re exploring Urialla Harbor in An Skellig in The Skellige Isles Northeast (#1), you’ll overhear a woman talking about the Path of Warriors. Speaking to the woman will trigger the quest.


When you ask the woman about the Path of Warriors, she’ll tell you that it’s a trial for young men, where they must complete the Path in order to be considered “true warriors.” She’ll then direct you to Gunnar to the northeast if you want to learn more.

When you talk to Gunnar (#2), he’ll describe the Path of Warriors to you. You’ll learn that the trial actually involves two paths — one leading to the top of a mountain and then another in an underground cave — and that you’ll find a token at the end of each. You’ll need the tokens as proof of your deed.

As you make your way to the top of the mountain, you’ll have to do some climbing and jumping, and you’ll have to fight some level 7 harpies and level 13 sirens. You’ll probably have way more trouble navigating the path than fighting the enemies, so progress slowly and save often. The path isn’t tricky. You won’t have to deviate from it, but in a couple of places you’ll have to jump and climb at just the right spot to continue on. When you reach the top (#3), you’ll find a Trial of Dexterity Completion Token, a random treasure chest, a Place of Power, and a Fast Travel marker. Looting the token will earn you 50 xp.

To reach the underground path, you’ll need to continue following the mountain path to the west, which will quickly lead to you sliding down the mountain to a cave entrance (Exit A). The cave is the start of the second path.

Inside the cave, you’ll have to do some swimming. This is a good place to use Killer Whale if you have it. Roughly in the middle of the long, underwater tunnel, you’ll come to a spot where you can climb out of the water and catch your breath. You’ll know you’re in the right spot when you see some vines in the water. This is also the place where you can visit an optional part of the cave system and fight a pair of level 13 gargoyles (#4).

Eventually as you’re swimming through the tunnel, you’ll spot a treasure chest on the ground (#5). Inside it you’ll find the Path of Warriors Completion Token. Past the token, you’ll just need to continue moving through the cave system until you reach the exit (Exit C). You’ll encounter some bandits there, but they shouldn’t be tough to kill.

When you return to Gunnar (now at a camp just to the south of where you originally met him, #2) he’ll hand over your reward: the diagram for Assault Gauntlets, a leveled version of the Mag Deira Cuirass, Sewant Mushrooms (x5), Hardened Leather (x2), and 50 xp.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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