Through Time and Space – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest of the Witcher 3 endgame. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest through time and space map

1 – Chameleon
2 – Haunted House


You’ll trigger this quest when you talk to Avallac’h in the Chameleon (#1) during the quest Final Preparations.


Avallac’h will tell you that your defeat of Imlerith on Bald Mountain has inspired him to take down another one of Eredin’s lieutenants, an elf named Ge’els. He’ll then reveal that Ge’els was a “devoted follower” of the elven King Auberon, but that Eredin secretly poisoned the king without Ge’els’ (or anyone else’s) knowledge. So Avalaac’h will hope that by informing Ge’els of Eredin’s treachery, he’ll switch to your side — or at least abandon Eredin.

To reach Ge’els, you’ll need to enter a temporary portal in Novigrad (#2). You’ll find it in the basement of the “haunted house” from Novigrad Dreaming. You’ll meet Avallac’h in front of the house, and, depending on what you did during Novigrad Dreaming, you might meet Corinne Tilly and Sarah the godling inside.

When you go through the basement portal with Avallac’h, you’ll end up in the Ddiddiwedht Desert. Avallac’h will guide you through the location and lead you to the next portal. When you get to it, you’ll have to wait for it to activate. During this time, you’ll get attacked by level 25 sandcrabs. They’ll keep on spawning, so kill them until the portal activates, and then follow Avallac’h through.

At the next location, you’ll find yourself alone at the top of a tall outcropping. As you follow the path down, you’ll spot the next portal a ways to the south. Continuing down, you’ll only have one way that you can go, but this way will lead you through some toxic vapors. None of your potions will help you with the vapors, so you’ll just have to sprint through them and then climb up to higher ground every so often so you can catch your breath.

As you continue your trek, you’ll pass by a Place of Power. After drawing power from it, you should head down the path to the north, and then turn back south so you can do more sprinting through vapors and climbing up rocks to reach breathable air. Eventually you’ll come to the next portal, which you should go through.

At the third location, you’ll find yourself underwater with the next portal nearby. So you’ll just need to swim to it and go through.

At the fourth location, you’ll find yourself in an icy cave. At the end, you’ll discover that the entrance is blocked by ice. To go through, you’ll just need to cast Igni / Aard on it or hit it with one of your weapons. Outside the cave, you’ll start taking cold damage. To survive, you’ll need to head generally north towards a town, stopping at safe places along the way. The safe places will protect you from the biting wind, and you’ll recognize them because they won’t be as white as the damaging places.

When you get to the town, you’ll spot a working lighthouse on its northern side, and you’ll speculate that Avallac’h might be there. To reach the lighthouse, you’ll just need to uses fences and buildings as safe places. Along the way, you’ll get attacked by a pair of level 27 Hounds of the Wild Hunt. For best results, you shouldn’t fight them outside. You should lure them into a building instead. You’ll also find some notes and diaries as you make your way through the town. They’re not needed for anything, but they’ll give you an idea of what happened to the townsfolk.

When you reach the basement of the lighthouse, you’ll find Avallac’h there. He’ll choose this moment to inform you that Eredin is hunting Ciri because she helped you to escape from the Wild Hunt before the start of the first Witcher game. This meeting will earn you 500 xp, and right afterwards the final portal will open.

When you go through the portal, you’ll finally find yourself at Ge’els’ palace. Thankfully, Avallac’h will arrive with you, and he’ll lead you right to Ge’els. After some verbal sparring, Ge’els will accompany you back to Novigrad, where you’ll use Corinne Tilly to show him a dream of King Auberon’s final moments. Ge’els will believe the vision, and he’ll stop supporting Eredin. He’ll also give you some information about how to defeat Eredin. This sequence will end the quest and earn you 2000 xp.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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