World of Warcraft

Does Your Video Game Have Too Many Words?

On his personal blog, Jeff Vogel of Spiderweb Software says what we’ve all probably been thinking. That is – video games are becoming too verbose for their own good. He lists examples and observations, as well as his own personal…

How MMOs Can Escape Their Creative Slump

An editorial on PC Gamer tries to come up with ideas that could revitalize the slumping MMO genre. Their proposed solution is to embrace the mundane, and take notes from sandbox games filled with emergent gameplay, like EVE Online. Here’s…

Richard Cobbett on Video Game-Themed Food

If you’re in a mood for some light-hearted riffing on the easy target of culinary video game tie-ins, Richard Cobbett’s latest RPG Scrollbars column does exactly that. So, if you want to read a bit about World of Warcraft or Heartstone…

IGN’s Top 100 RPGs of All Time, Part 5

The final 20 titles that IGN considers to be the best of the best when it comes to RPGs have been unveiled. By now, their editors’ fondness for Japanese games should be quite apparent, so the top picks aren’t that…

Richard Cobbett on World Quests

The latest of Richard Cobbett’s RPG Scrollbars columns takes a detailed look at World Quests. What’s a World Quest, you ask? Read this excerpt and find out: World quests come in many different forms, but typically ‘icons on a map’.…

Great Ideas More RPGs Should Steal

The latest of Richard Cobbett’s RPG Scrollbars features revolves around all the underutilized ideas in RPGs. This particular column doesn’t talk about general things that are often overlooked, like good inventory screens and whatnot, instead it tries to remember the…

Matt McDaid on Mastering the Stylized Art

80 level has an article-style interview with Matt McDaid who’s had an extensive career in 3D modeling. Among other things, like working for the British military, McDaid was involved with a few of the Blizzard Entertainment’s projects, namely Diablo III:…

David “Dr. Cat” Shapiro Video Interview, Part Six

The final installment to Matt Barton’s chat with David “Dr. Cat” Shapiro revolves around the social aspects of online games, namely Dr. Cat’s Furcadia, which holds a Guinness World Record for longest-running social MMORPG. Creative editing tools play a big…