Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol Preview

The guys over at Games Journalism or Bust are next in line with a preview for Obsidian’s upcoming RPG Alpha Protocol. Now the tux may sound like nothing more than an aesthetic change for role-playing purists, but this is what…

Alpha Protocol Preview

Blend Games brings us a brief preview of SEGA and Obsidian Entertainment’s spy-themed RPG, Alpha Protocol. The odds are stacked against Michael but he was trained well by the CIA. He can use a combination of stealth, combat, and technical…

Alpha Protocol Roundtable Discussion

In case you missed some of the earlier Alpha Protocol roundtable coverage, you’ll find full transcripts of the entire meeting on Obsidian Entertainment’s website and the SEGA America Blog. An excerpt from part two: Are the weapons fictional or based…

Alpha Protocol GC Preview

GameSpy takes a closer look at Alpha Protocol, based on what they saw during Obsidian’s Leipzig GC demonstration. Choices comes in how you interact with the game’s NPCs. When talking to a character, as happened during the Leipzig demo, you…

Alpha Protocol GC Preview

GameSpot previews Alpha Protocol, having got a look at the game’s safe house, weapons, and character customization in Leipzig. The guiding principle of the game is to make you feel like one of the three J.B.’s:Jack Bauer, Jason Bourne, and…

Alpha Protocol Preview

The editors at have cranked out a quick preview of Obsidian’s Alpha Protocol. Nathan Davis, the game’s design producer, opens it up to the assembled throng, cobbled together in a tiny room in SEGA’s behind closed doors booth at…

Alpha Protocol E3 Previews

Three more previews of Alpha Protocol have trickled onto the web, all of which are based on Obsidian’s E3 demonstration. First up is FileFront: The demonstration I attended at E3 focused a bit on the game’s innovations. Unlike previous titles…

Alpha Protocol E3 Previews

Some more impressions of Obsidian Entertainment’s Alpha Protocol have arisen from E3. Gamecyte. Alpha Protocol’s promise of a truly reactive game world is one we’ve heard a number of times before, and we’ve seen a number of games fail to…

Alpha Protocol Interview

More from MTV Multiplayer interviewing senior producer Ryan Rucinski, this time about how Alpha Protocol differs from Mass Effect. So I flat-out asked Rucinski how (Alpha Protocol) can stand apart from the (Mass Effect) comparisons. He didn’t seem to think…