Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol Interview

MTV’s Multiplayer blog is featuring an interview with senior producer Ryan Rucinski about sex in Alpha Protocol. Apparently the game will have an achievement for being a ladies’ man, as well as for being a lonely bachelor. (It all depends…

Alpha Protocol E3 Preview

The guys at CrunchGear have whipped up a short preview of Alpha Protocol, courtesy of last week’s E3 event. Anyway, you play as Michael Thornton to help stop some international catastrophe from occurring that would doom us all according to…

Alpha Protocol E3 Preview

1UP’s E3 coverage continues with a quick look at Obsidian Entertainment’s Alpha Protocol. What’s our take? It was a bit of a double take, as it took a few minutes for it to sink that this is one of very…

Alpha Protocol E3 Preview

RPGFan has a short preview of Alpha Protocol, not really adding much we didn’t know already. Playing as Michael Thorton, a relatively inexperienced but competent field agent. During a mission gone horribly wrong, Thorton uncovers a conspiracy that sends him…

Alpha Protocol Roundtable Conference Transcript

The editors at Sega Nerds were able to sit in on an Alpha Protocol roundtable conference with a number of Obsidian developers and are offering a transcript of the entire meeting. Essentially it makes for a really big 12-page interview.…

Alpha Protocol E3 Preview

IGN is the latest website to conjure up an E3-based preview of Obsidian’s spy-themed RPG, Alpha Protocol. This embassy mission served as the E3 demo, as the goal is to talk to an important NPC inside. As soon as you’re…

Alpha Protocol E3 Preview

The relentless barrage of E3 previews continues with a closer look at Obsidian’s Alpha Protocol over at UGO Games Blog. Combat unfolds in real time from a third-person perspective, though Thorton is able to complement standard gunplay with specialized skills…

Alpha Protocol E3 Previews

A couple more previews have surfaced for Obsidian Entertainment’s upcoming RPG, Alpha Protocol. Rock, Paper, Shotgun is first: Thankfully I’ve kept it together a little more than that. Though perhaps not enough! Because when I was showed Alpha Protocol, Obsidian…

Alpha Protocol E3 Previews

GameSpot and GameZone bring us the latest E3 previews of Obsidian Entertainment’s Alpha Protocol. Here’s a bit from GameSpot’s article: Finally, Obsidian finished off by giving us a look at some of the ways your decisions in the game carry…

Alpha Protocol Screenshots

Voodoo Extreme brings us a round of new Alpha Protocol screenshots, despite the fact that E3 hasn’t even officially started yet.